Advanced Wordlist

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Chinese Pinyin Meaning
āi get close to,be next to,follow in sequence or along designated route/direction
愛戴 àidài love and respect
愛國 àiguó love one's country,patriotic
愛滋病 àizībìng AIDS
安頓 āndùn find place for, help settle down
安撫 ānfŭ placate,pacify
安寧 ānníng peaceful,tranquil,calm,composed,free from worry
安詳 ānxiáng leisurely, unhurried
安置 ānzhì find place for,help settle down,arrange for
安裝 ānzhuāng install,erect,fix,mount
暗暗 ànàn secretly, inwardly, to oneself
案件 ànjiàn a legal case,a police case
按摩 ànmó massage
案情 ànqíng details of a case
案子 ànzi case (of law/etc.)
昂貴 ángguì expensive,costly
奧妙 àomiào profound,subtle
懊惱 àonăo vexed,upset,displeased,annoyed
八卦 bāguà Eight Trigrams (of {Book of Changes})
八字 bāzì character for eight, birthdate characters used in fortune-telling
[general]individual measure word for people with special skills
把持 băchí monopolize, dominate
把手 băshǒu handle, grip
白皮書 báipíshū white paper/book
拜拜 bàibài to do obeisance to, to worship,to prostrate oneself
拜會 bàihuì pay sb. a visit
班車 bānchē regular bus (service)
頒發 bānfā issue,promulgate,award
頒獎 bānjiăng present reward/honor
辦案 bànàn handle case,handle a case
半成品 bànchéngpǐn semi-finished products
半島 bàndăo peninsula
半導體 bàndăotǐ IC;semiconductor
bāng [general]colletive measure word for a small group in a derogatory sense.
băng bind,tie,bind sb.'s hands behind him,truss up
包袱 bāofú cloth wrapper,burden,bundle wrapped in cloth
包圍 bāowéi surround,encircle
băo treasure
保安 băoān ensure safety (for workers),ensure public security,public_security,protection,ensure safety
寶貝 băobèi treasure,love dearly
保管 băoguăn take care of
飽和 băohé satiate,saturate
保齡球 băolíngqiú bowling (balls)
飽滿 băomăn full,wax
保姆 băomŭ nursemaid, baby sitter
保全 băoquán keep safe,preserve,maintain
寶石 băoshí precious stone,gem
保險 băoxiăn safe; secure
保佑 băoyòu bless and protect
保重 băozhòng take care of oneself
報案 bàoàn report case to security authorities
報表 bàobiăo forms for reporting statistics/etc.
報酬 bàochóu reward,remuneration,pay
爆發 bàofā erupt, burst/break out
抱負 bàofù aspiration,ambition
報復 bàofù retaliate
報關 bàoguān declare sth. at customs,apply to customs,declare at customs
報價 bàojià quotation
報刊 bàokān press,periodical publications,newspapers and periodicals
暴力 bàolì violent
報應 bàoyìng retribution, judgment
暴雨 bàoyŭ torrential rain, cloudburst
報章 bàozhāng newspapers
bēi stone stele
悲哀 bēiāi grieved,sorrowful
悲觀 bēiguān pessimistic
貝殼 bèiké clamshell
倍數 bèishù multiple
背誦 bèisòng recite, repeat from memory
背心 bèixīn sleeveless garment,vest
被子 bèizi quilt
奔騰 bēnténg gallop, surge forward, roll on in waves
běn originally,at first,of course
本身 běnshēn itself,oneself,per se
本事 běnshì skill,ability
本位 běnwèi (the viewpoint of) one's own job; the position; the department or line of work
本性 běnxìng natural instincts,nature,inherent quality
本質 běnzhí essence,nature,intrinsic quality
崩潰 bēngkuì collapse,fall apart
béng need not
鼻孔 bíkǒng nostril
鼻涕 bítì nasal mucus
筆畫 bǐhuà strokes of Ch. character
筆錄 bǐlù notes, record,[Formal] to take down in writing
比率 bǐlǜ ratio,rate
比擬 bǐnǐ compare, match, draw analogy
比喻 bǐyù metaphor,analogy
比重 bǐzhòng proportion,specific gravity
my, our (humble usage)
必備 bìbèi essential
必定 bìdìng certainly,surely
閉幕 bìmù the curtain falls,conclude,lower the curtain,curtain falls,close
避難 bìnàn take refuge,seek asylum
必然 bìrán certainly
畢生 bìshēng all one's life, lifetime
閉塞 bìsè constipate,congest,clog,clog up,choke,stop up,foul,choke off,obturate,close up,back up,oppilate
避孕 bìyùn contracept
幣值 bìzhí currency value
編輯 biānjí editor,compiler
編輯 biānjí edit,compile
邊界 biānjiè boundary,border
編寫 biānxiě compile, write, compose
邊緣 biānyuán edge,fringe,brink,margin,borderline
編織 biānzhī to weave; to knit; to plait; to braid; to crochet
編制 biānzhì authorized staff/force
編製 biānzhì to weave or braid (into something),to draw up (a plan, etc.); to compile
biăn demote, relegate, reduce, devalue, censure, depreciate
匾額 biăné horizontal inscribed board
貶值 biănzhí devalue,devaluate,depreciate
便 biàn convenience
biàn argue, dispute, debate
變革 biàngé change,revolution
辯護 biànhù speak in defense of,plead,defend
辯論 biànlùn argue,debate
變遷 biànqiān vicissitudinary,change
辨認 biànrèn identify,recognize
辨識 biànshì identify
變通 biàntōng be flexible
變形 biànxíng be out of shape,become deformed
標籤 biāoqiān label
標語 biāoyŭ slogan, poster
biăo indicate
表白 biăobái vindicate/explain oneself
表明 biăomíng make known,indicate
biē suppress inner feelings with efforts feel oppressed
bié (1)fasten with a pin or clip;(2)leave
別墅 biéshù villa
bīng soldier,army,troops,military,pawn in Ch. chess
賓館 bīnguăn guesthouse
bǐng handle,stem (of flower/etc.)
病床 bìngchuáng hospital bed,sickbed
併發 bìngfā to begin at the same time; to erupt at the same time
病菌 bìngjùn pathogenic bacteria, germs
並列 bìngliè appose,juxtapose
病情 bìngqíng patient's condition
並重 bìngzhòng lay equal stress on,pay equal attention to
to poke; to stir, to twist or turn (a dial, etc.), to allot (funds, space, etc.)
peel, flay
[event]a wave of something: measure word of actions or events that occur after an interval of time like waves
波及 bōjí affect,spread to
波浪 bōlàng wave
剝削 bōxuè exploit
搏鬥 bódòu buffet
播出 bòchū broadcast, disseminate
不便 búbiàn inconvenient,inappropriate
不動產 búdòngchăn real estate
不力 búlì not to do one's best; not to exert oneself
不料 búliào unexpectedly
不下 búxià not less
不肖 búxiào [Formal] unworthy; good-for-nothing
不懈 búxiè persevere, be untiring
不致 búzhì not as bad as
不至/致於 búzhìyú unlikely;not to the extent of
不再 búzài not happen/exist anymore
補給 bǔjǐ supply
補救 bŭjiù remedy
哺乳動物 bŭrŭdòngwù mammal
不得 bùdé must/may not,not be allowed
不等 bùděng vary in number
步調 bùdiào pace,step,tempo
不凡 bùfán extraordinary, unusual,distinguished, uncommon
不妨 bùfáng might as well
不法 bùfă lawless,illegal
不服 bùfú refuse to obey
不公 bùgōng unfair
不光 bùguāng not only
不及 bùjí not as good as, inferior to
不禁 bùjīn can't help (doing sth.)
不堪 bùkān can't bear/stand
部落 bùluò tribe
不免 bùmiăn unavoidably
不容 bùróng not tolerate/brook
不時 bùshí frequently,at any time
部署 bùshŭ dispose,deploy
不惜 bùxí not stint,not hesitate (to do sth.)
步驟 bùzòu step,measure,move
猜測 cāicè guess,surmise
猜忌 cāijì be suspicious and jealous
猜想 cāixiăng suppose,suspect,guess
裁縫 cáiféng tailor, dressmaker
裁減 cáijiăn reduce, trim
財團 cáituán a consortium,a syndicate,big business,a money clique
裁員 cáiyuán reduce staff,comb_out,reduce the staff,discharge,cut down the member of persons employed
財政 cáizhèng finance
才智 cáizhì brilliance
採訪 căifăng cover,interview,gather news
採光 căiguāng lighting
彩繪 căihuì colored drawing/pattern
採納 căinà accept,adopt
採取 căiqŭ take,adopt
餐具 cānjù tableware,dinner service/set
參謀 cānmóu staff officer
參與 cānyù participate in
殘暴 cánbào cruel
殘酷 cánkù brutal,ruthless
殘殺 cánshā murder, massacre
慘重 cănzhòng heavy,grievous, disastrous
燦爛 cànlàn magnificent,splendid,resplendent
蒼白 cāngbái pale,pallid,wan
蒼蠅 cāngyíng fly
操縱 cāozòng operate,control,rig,manipulate
草案 căoàn a draft,a draft plan,a protocol,an outline
草叢 căocóng thick growth of grass
草率 căoshuài hurry,slur,careless
草藥 căoyào medicinal herbs
策畫/劃 cèhuà plan,plot,engineer
resign,take leave,dismiss,discharge,concede, step back
詞彙 cíhuì vocabulary,words and phrases
慈善 císhàn benevolent,philanthropic
辭行 cíxíng say good-bye before starting journey,say good-bye before setting out on a journey
辭職 cízhí resign
此刻 cǐkè this moment, now, at present
det.: next,second
伺候 cìhòu wait upon, serve
刺殺 cìshā stab to death
次要 cìyào less important, secondary, subordinate, minor
匆忙 cōngmáng in a hurry,hastily
從容 cōngróng calm,unhurried,leisurely
從而 cóngér thus,thereby
湊巧 còuqiăo by luck,by chance
粗糙 cūcāo coarse,rough,crude
粗魯 cūlŭ ill-mannered
urge, promote
促成 cùchéng facilitate,effect
促使 cùshǐ impel,urge,spur
促銷 cùxiāo merchandise,sell
簇擁 cùyǒng cluster around
摧殘 cuīcán wreck, destroy, devastate
摧毀 cuīhuǐ destroy,smash,wreck
催眠 cuīmián lull (to sleep),hypnotize,mesmerize
脆弱 cuìruò fragile,frail,weak
存貨 cúnhuò goods in stock, existing stock
磋商 cuōshāng consult, exchange views
撮合 cuòhé make a match
措施 cuòshī measure,step
差額 chāé difference (in amount); balance; margin; odds
插曲 chāqŭ theatrical interlude, songs in films/plays
插嘴 chāzuǐ to break into a conversation or statement; to put in
茶具 chájù tea set
察覺 chájué realize,be aware
查明 chámíng find out,look,prove through investigation,detect,ascertain,prove,inquire
chán cicada
chán greedy; gluttonous,very fond of (good) food
潺潺 chánchán bable,purl,murmur
產物 chănwù outcome,result; product
產值 chănzhí value of output
猖獗 chāngjué rage,run wild,be rampant
cháng intestines
長遠 chángyuăn long-term,long-range
場次 chăngcì the number of showings of a film, play, etc.
場面 chăngmiàn scene,spectacle,occasion,appearance,scope
倡導 chàngdăo propose
唱腔 chàngqiāng (of Chinese opera) music for voices in a Chinese opera
暢銷 chàngxiāo sell well
超速 chāosù exceed speed limit
超脫 chāotuō 1.unconventional; original, be detached; to stand aloof; to keep aloof
抄襲 chāoxí plagiarize,indiscriminately copy from others
吵嘴 chăozuǐ quarrel
車輛 chēliàng vehicle,car
車廂 chēxiāng railway carriage/car
撤回 chèhuí recede,dispense with,countermand,retreat,foreswear,unsay,relinquish,unmake,pull back,recall,withdrawn,retraction,retire,withdraw,abjure,waive,pull away,repeal,swallow,recant,draw_back,unspeak,revoke,withdrawal,draw back,move back,retract,forgo,forswear
撤銷 chèxiāo cancel,rescind,revoke
沉默 chénmò reticent,taciturn,silent
沉思 chénsī ponder, meditate, be lost in thought
塵土 chéntŭ dust
沉重 chénzhòng heavy,serious
稱號 chēnghào title, name, designation
稱呼 chēnghū call,address
撐腰 chēngyāo bolster
chéng multiply
chéng render,submit
成敗 chéngbài success or failure
承包 chéngbāo contract,farming
承擔 chéngdān bear,undertake,assume
成見 chéngjiàn preconceived idea,prejudice
成就 chéngjiù achieve,accomplish
承諾 chéngnuò promise
成品 chéngpǐn end/finished product
成全 chéngquán help (sb. achieve his aim)
程式 chéngshì program,form,pattern,formula
成效 chéngxiào effect,result
呈獻 chéngxiàn respectfully present
誠心 chéngxīn sincere desire, wholeheartedness
誠心誠意 chéngxīnchéngyì sincere
成衣 chéngyī tailoring, ready-made clothes
成員 chéngyuán member
誠摯 chéngzhì sincere
chèng weigh
吃驚 chījīng be startled/shocked/amazed
吃苦 chīkŭ bear hardship,suffer hardships,bear hardships
吃力 chīlì entail strenuous effort,be a strain
chí hold,grasp
遲鈍 chídùn torpify,constipate,obtuse,opaque,rust
持久 chíjiŭ lasting,protracted
持平 chípíng be equalized
持續 chíxù continue,persist
池子 chízi pond, big bathhouse pool, dance floor, front rows in theater
chōng charge,rush,dash
充斥 chōngchì congest,be full of
沖淡 chōngdàn attemper,qualify,dilution,play down,step down,temper,season,cut,reduce,weaken,water_down,efface,dilute,thin,water down,de-escalate,thin out,understate
衝動 chōngdòng get excited,be impetuous
衝擊 chōngjí 1.[Military] to charge; to assault; to attack; to strike against lash; to pound
憧憬 chōngjǐng long for,look forward to
沖天 chōngtiān to soar,rocket
衝突 chōngtú conflict,clash
充裕 chōngyù abundant; ample; plentiful
重疊 chóngdié overlap,superpose
崇尚 chóngshàng uphold, advocate
寵愛 chǒngài dote on
抽查 chōuchá spot-check
抽空 chōukòng take advantage of any free time
抽象 chōuxiàng abstract
抽樣 chōuyàng sample
chóu sorrow
chóu enemy, foe, hatred, enmity, Surname
仇恨 chóuhèn hatred,enmity
稠密 chóumì close-woven;dense
出超 chūchāo export surplus,favourable balance of trade,favorable balance of trade
出錯 chūcuò go wrong,goof,make a mistake,make a goof,blunder,make mistakes,make a blunder,err
出發點 chūfādiăn starting point
出局 chūjú out of game
出力 chūlì exert oneself
出路 chūlù way out,outlet
出馬 chūmă take the lead,take the field,go into action,bear responsibility
出賣 chūmài betray
出面 chūmiàn appear personally,act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organization
出名 chūmíng famous,well-known
出品 chūpǐn product
初期 chūqí initial stage, early days
出示 chūshì show, produce
出手 chūshǒu dispose/sell of,spend money
出頭 chūtóu det.: a litter over
出頭 chūtóu (1)free oneself (from misery, persecution, etc.);(2)lift one's head,appear in public,come forward
出土 chūtŭ be unearthed, come out of the ground
出息 chūxí promise, prospect, future
出血 chūxiě bleed
儲備 chúbèi lay in, stock up, reserve
鋤頭 chútóu hoe
chŭ get along (with sb.)
chŭ punish,sentence
處方 chŭfāng prescription
處分 chŭfèn punishment
處分 chŭfèn discipline/punish sb.
處境 chŭjìng situation (usu. unfavorable)
處事 chŭshì deal with affairs
處於 chŭyú be (in a certain condition)
處女 chùnǚ virgin
穿梭 chuānsuō shuttle back and forth
chuán it is said,they say
傳遞 chuándì transmit,deliver,transfer
傳奇 chuánqí legend
傳奇 chuánqí legendary,mythical
傳神 chuánshén conveying the true spirit of the subject portrayed
傳授 chuánshòu pass on (skill/etc.),impart,teach
船隻 chuánzhī boat,ship
chuăn gasp for breath,pant
chuàn [general]collective measure word for a series of abstract things
chuàng initiate (sth.)
創辦 chuàngbàn establish,set up
創立 chuànglì found,originate
創傷 chuāngshāng wound, trauma
創新 chuàngxīn bring forth new ideas,blaze new trails
創業 chuàngyè start undertaking,do pioneering work
創作 chuàngzuò create,produce,write
吹牛 chuīniú talk big
chuí to hang down
垂直 chuízhí perpendicular,vertical
搭配 dāpèi group,pair
答覆 dáfù answer,reply
打鬥 dădòu tussle
打賭 dădŭ make a bet, bet
打發 dăfā to while away (one's time)
打擊 dăjí strike,hit,attack, shock
打量 dăliàng measure with the eye,estimate,think
打獵 dăliè hunt
打牌 dăpái play mah-jong,play mahjong,play cards
打手 dăshǒu hatchet man, goon
打烊 dăyáng close store/business for night
大便 dàbiàn the stool; feces
大道 dàdào wide road
大隊 dàduì a group of people
大選 dàxuăn general election
大意 dàyì gist,general idea
大致 dàzhì rough
dāi silly,foolish,idiotic,maladroit,blank
dāi stay
歹徒 dăitú an evildoer, an outlaw
dài treat,entertain
逮捕 dàibǔ make an arrest
代課 dàikè substitute-teach,take over a class for an absent teacher
怠慢 dàimàn slight, neglect a guest
dān carry on shoulder pole,take on,undertake
擔當 dāndāng take on, undertake, assume
單獨 dāndú alone,solely,singly,individually,on one's own
擔負 dānfù bear,shoulder,take on,be charged with
單價 dānjià unit price
單據 dānjù documentary evidence in trade (e.g., receipts/vouchers)
單親 dānqīn single parent
單行道 dānxíngdào one-way street
dăn gallbladder, courage, bravery, audacity, internal parts
膽固醇 dăngùchún cholesterol, cholesterin
dàn only, just, merely
淡水 dànshuǐ fresh water
dāng that very (day, year), the same (day, etc.), that, then
當兵 dāngbīng serve in army
當代 dāngdài the present age
當局 dāngjú (appropriate/concerned) authorities
當前 dāngqián before/facing one, the present, here and now
當心 dāngxīn beware
黨派 dăngpài factions,parties,cliques
黨員 dăngyuán Party member
dāo [activity]measure word for cutting something with a knife
大使 dàshǐ ambassador
倒楣 dăoméi be out of luck,be unlucky
導師 dăoshī tutor,teacher,supervisor
導遊 dăoyóu tourist guide
島嶼 dăoyŭ island,isle
導致 dăozhì lead to,bring about,result in,cause
dào say,speak,talk,think,suppose
道別 dàobié say farewell
道地 dàodì genuine
到期 dàoqí become due,run out,fall,expiration,due,expire,be due,mature
道士 dàoshì Daoist priest
倒數 dàoshǔ count backwards
到頭來 dàotóulái after all, in the long run, in the end
道義 dàoyì morality and justice
得以 déyǐ so that...can(may)...
登場 dēngchăng be taken to threshing ground,come on stage
燈火 dēnghuǒ lights
燈籠 dēnglóng lantern, lamp
登陸 dēnglù land,disembark
等候 děnghòu wait,await,expect
等價 děngjià of equal value; equal in value
dèng stare at,open (one's eyes) wide,glare
嘀咕 dígū whisper, have doubts about sth., have sth. on one's mind, mumble complainingly
arrive at
底片 dǐpiàn negative,photographic plate
抵押 dǐyā mortgage
抵制 dǐzhì boycott
地表 dìbiăo earth's surface
地步 dìbù condition,situation,state,extent
締結 dìjié to conclude a treaty, etc.
地勢 dìshì 1.terrain; geography (of); topography; the lay of the land
弟兄 dìxiōng brother,soldiers,buddy,brothers,frater,frere,Brother
地域 dìyù region,district
地獄 dìyù hell,inferno
締造 dìzào found,create
地質 dìzhí geology
地主 dìzhŭ landlord,host
顛覆 diānfù overturn,subvert
典型 diănxíng typical case,model,type
典雅 diănyă refined,elegant (of diction)
點子 diănzi idea
奠定 diàndìng establish,settle
電工 diàngōng electrical engineering, electrician
惦記 diànjì remember with concern, worry about
電力 diànlì electric power
電流 diànliú electric current
電器 diànqì electrical equipment/appliance
電視劇 diànshìjù TV play
電壓 diànyā voltage
凋零 diāolíng wither, fall, and scatter about
調 diào transfer
調度 diàodù dispatch (buses/etc.), manage
吊橋 diàoqiáo suspension bridge, drawbridge
釣魚 diàoyú angle,go fishing
dié pile up;fold up
dìng nail sew on
dǐng (1)carry on the head,cope with,stand up to,replace;(2)gore,butt,go against,push from below/behind,retort,turn down
dǐng very,most,extremely
dǐng [general]measure word for hat, wig, or tent
定額 dìngé quota
訂購 dìnggòu order goods
定義 dìngyì definition
丟棄 diūqì abandon,discard,give up
動機 dòngjī motif,need,reason,instance,ground,incentive,signal,intention,motive,motivation,inducement,cause
凍結 dòngjié freeze (lit./fig.)
動靜 dòngjìng movement,activity
動力 dònglì motivity,(motive) power,wheel,(motive) power/force,agency,vector,dynamics,force,motive_power,momentum,power
動亂 dòngluàn turmoil,upheaval,disturbance
動脈 dòngmài artery
動態 dòngtài situation,the movement (in a certain sphere of human activity),development,trend,trends;dynamic state,dynamic
動向 dòngxiàng trend,tendency
洞穴 dòngxuè cave,cavern
動員 dòngyuán mobilize,arouse
dǒu tremble, shiver, shake, rouse, stir up, make good, succeed
dǒu steep,precipitous
逗留 dòuliú stay,stop,linger,tarry
鬥志 dòuzhì fighting spirit
督促 dūcù supervise and urge
獨創 dúchuàng produce an original creation
獨到 dúdào special, distinguished
讀物 dúwù reading matter
獨占/佔 dúzhàn to have something all to oneself; to monopolize
to obstruct; to block
賭博 dŭbó gamble
賭場 dŭchăng gambling house, casino
堵塞 dŭsè block up
cross (river/sea/etc.),tide over,ferry across
度過 dùguò pass,spend (time/etc.)
度量衡 dùliánghéng weights and measures
端正 duānzhèng rectify
短缺 duănquē be deficient,miss
短暫 duănzhàn of short duration,brief
斷絕 duànjué break off, sever
堆積 duījī heap/pile up
對比 duìbǐ ratio,correlation
隊伍 duìwŭ troops,ranks,contingent
兌現 duìxiàn cash (check/etc.), honor (commitment/etc.), fulfill, make good
對照 duìzhào contrast,compare
對峙 duìzhì face-off
dùn suddenly
dùn pause,touch ground (with head),stamp (foot)
頓時 dùnshí immediately,at once
多寡 duōguă number,amount
多虧 duōkuī thanks to, by grace of, luckily
多媒體 duōméitǐ multi-media
多元 duōyuán multiple
奪魁 duókuí win first place,win championship,win the championship,carry off the first prize
躲避 duǒbì hide (oneself),elude,dodge
墮胎 duòtāi have an abortion,abortive,induced abortion,abort,have an induced abortion,have an abortion
額外 éwài extra,added,additional
è evil,wicked,vicious
惡化 èhuà worsen
惡性 èxìng viciousness,malignancy
惡意 èyì malice, evil intentions
恩人 ēnrén benefactor, patron
恩怨 ēnyuàn feeling of gratitude or enmity
恩情 ēnqíng grace, favor
恩愛 ēnài love, devotion, affection
ér and
兒女 érnǚ sons and daughters,children,young males and females
耳光 ěrguāng box on the ears, slap on the face
[general]measure word for bullet, shells…etc.
發電 fādiàn generate electricity
發瘋 fāfēng go crazy,be out of one's mind,flip,go mad,lunatic,mad,become insane
發掘 fājué excavate,unearth,explore
發誓 fāshì vow,pledge,vum,attest,promise,engage,take,plight,swan,swear
發炎 fāyán inflammation
發育 fāyù grow,develop
發作 fāzuò break out,show effect,have fit of anger,flare up
法定 fădìng legal,statutory
法官 făguān judge,justice
法令 fălìng laws,decrees
法人 fărén legal/juridical/corporate person
法則 făzé standard method,binding agreement,formula
法治 făzhì rule of law
法制 făzhì legal system/institutions, legality
翻臉 fānliăn suddenly turn hostile,quarrel,fall out
翻身 fānshēn (1)turn over;(2)free oneself
翻新 fānxīn renovate, recondition
fán whatever
繁多 fánduō various
藩籬 fánlí hedge, fence
繁忙 fánmáng busy
凡是 fánshì whatever
făn return
反擊 fănjí beat back,counterattack
反射 fănshè reflect
反省 fănxǐng introspect,self-questioning
反之 fănzhī on the contrary,otherwise,conversely
犯錯 fàncuò make mistake, to err
販毒 fàndú traffic in narcotics
犯規 fànguī foul,break the rules,break rules
販賣 fànmài peddle,sell
方位 fāngwèi position,direction,points of the compass,bearing
方向盤 fāngxiàngpán steering wheel
方針 fāngzhēn policy,guiding principle
方正 fāngzhèng upright and foursquare
妨礙 fángài hamper,impede,obstruct
防備 fángbèi guard or take precautions against
防範 fángfàn be on guard,keep lookout
防水 fángshuǐ watertight,waterproof,rainproof,be waterproof
防衛 fángwèi defend
防禦 fángyù defense
防治 fángzhì prevent and cure,prophylaxis and treatment
仿冒 făngmào imitate
仿造 făngzào copy, be modeled on
紡織 făngzhī spinning and weaving,textile
放蕩 fàngdàng dissolute,loose,dissipate
放寬 fàngkuān relax restrictions,ease,let out (e.g.,dress)
放款 fàngkuăn loan,make loans
放任 fàngrèn not interfere, let alone
放鬆 fàngsōng relax,slacken,loosen
放映 fàngyìng show,project (film)
放逐 fàngzhú exile, banish, deport
飛彈 fēidàn missile,stray bullet
非凡 fēifán outstanding,extraordinary,uncommon
飛快 fēikuài at lightning speed
飛行 fēixíng fly
飛翔 fēixiáng circle in the air,hover
肥料 féiliào fertilizer,manure
fèi give up, abandon, abolish, abrogate
廢除 fèichú abolish,abrogate,repeal
費力 fèilì need great effort,be strenuous
廢棄 fèiqì discard,abandon
沸騰 fèiténg boil
廢墟 fèixū ruins
肺炎 fèiyán pneumonia
廢止 fèizhǐ abolish, annul, put an end to
分貝 fēnbèi [Physics] a decibel
分辨 fēnbiàn distinguish,differentiate
分寸 fēncùn judgement for propriety (in speech, behavior, etc.); a measure
分擔 fēndān share responsibility for
分發 fēnfā distribute,hand out,issue
分割 fēngē cut apart,break up,partition
分化 fēnhuà disintegrate
分級 fēnjí hierarchical,class,grade,rate,hierarchically,classify
分家 fēnjiā divide up family property and live apart,break up the family and live apart
分解 fēnjiě resolve, decompose, break down
分離 fēnlí dispart,detach;break up (couple/lover etc.)
分裂 fēnliè split,break up,divide
分泌 fēnmì secrete
分明 fēnmíng evidently,plainly
分享 fēnxiăng share (joy/rights/etc.),partake of
分子 fēnzǐ molecule
fén grave, tomb
粉紅 fěnhóng pink
粉刷 fěnshuā whitewash, plaster
fèn excrement, dung, droppings
分量 fènliàng weight
fēng confer (title/territory/etc.) upon
風暴 fēngbào windstorm,tempest
封閉 fēngbì resistant to anything new
風潮 fēngcháo agitation,unrest
風化 fēnghuà morals and manners,the decency demanded by a society
風光 fēngguāng scene,view,sight
風光 fēngguāng grand;beautiful, lovely
風力 fēnglì wind force/power
鋒面 fēngmiàn frontal surface
封鎖 fēngsuǒ blockade,block,seal off
風尚 fēngshàng prevailing fashion
豐盛 fēngshèng rich,sumptuous
豐收 fēngshōu bumper harvest
風水 fēngshuǐ landscape geomancy
封條 fēngtiáo a strip of paper used for sealing,closure,paper strip seal,paper strip used for sealing
風行 fēngxíng be in fashion,be popular
fèng seam,crack,crevice,fissure
奉獻 fèngxiàn offer as tribute,present with all respect
奉養 fèngyăng support and wait upon (one's parents, etc.)
佛經 fójīng Buddhist scripture/sutra
佛像 fóxiàng figure/image of Buddha
否決 fǒujué vote down, veto, overrule
膚淺 fūqiăn superficial
敷衍 fūyăn be perfunctory,skimp along (in a task),treat sb. lightly/flippantly
服從 fúcóng obey,submit (oneself) to,be subordinated to
浮動 fúdòng float,drift
幅度 fúdù range,scope,extent
俘虜 fúlŭ to capture; to take (or make) sb. Prisoner
俘虜 fúlŭ a captive; a prisoner
福氣 fúqì happy lot, good fortune
輻射 fúshè radiation
服飾 fúshì dress and personal adornment
服刑 fúxíng to serve a sentence; to serve one's term of imprisonment
腐爛 fŭlàn putrescence,putridity,corruption,decay,decomposition,blet,putrefaction
腐蝕 fŭshí corrode, corrupt
斧頭 fŭtóu axe, hatchet
腐朽 fŭxiŭ molder,moulder,rust
撫養 fŭyăng foster, raise, bring up
撫育 fŭyù foster, nurture, tend
(1)carry on back/shoulder,bear,shoulder/bear (responsibility),owe (money);(2)betray,abandon,go against
付_1 [proximation] measure word for two things seen together or associated/ measure word for facial expresssion
[general] measure word for traditional Chinese medicine
be rich in,be full of
富貴 fùguì wealth and honor/rank
付款 fùkuăn pay a sum of money
婦人 fùrén married woman
附上 fùshàng enclose herewith
復甦 fùsū resuscitate,recover
富有 fùyǒu be rich/wealthy
富有 fùyǒu be rich in,be full of
賦予 fùyŭ endow,entrust
復原 fùyuán recover from an illness,restore,rehabilitate
該死 gāisǐ deserve death, Damn it!
改編 găibiān adapt,rearrange,revise
改觀 găiguān transfigure,have new outlook,change the face of,change appearance
改良 găiliáng improve,ameliorate
改選 găixuăn hold another election
gài calcium
gài generally, without exception
概括 gàiguā summarize, generalize
概況 gàikuàng general situation,survey
蓋章 gàizhāng seal
干擾 gānrăo disturb,interfere
干涉 gānshè interfere,intervene,meddle
乾燥 gānzào dry,arid
感觸 gănchù thoughts and feelings
感恩 gănēn feel grateful,be thankful
趕忙 gănmáng quickly, hastily
感受 gănshòu perception,sentiment,mood
綱領 gānglǐng program,guiding principle
剛強 gāngqiáng firmly
鋼鐵 gāngtiě iron and steel
崗位 găngwèi post,station
高見 gāojiàn your idea/opinion
高壓 gāoyā high pressure,high voltage/tension,coercion,tyranny
告別 gàobié leave,part from,bid farewell to
告狀 gàozhuàng complain to sb.'s superior about sb.,sue sb.,sue,go to law against sb.,complain,bring a lawsuit against
胳膊 gēbo arm
歌唱 gēchàng sing
疙瘩 gēda swelling, pimple, lump, knot
歌頌 gēsòng to extol, praise, eulogize
鴿子 gēzi pigeon,dove
at a distance from,after an interval of
隔閡 géhé 1.estrangement; misunderstanding 2.a barrier; a gap
格局 géjú pattern,setup,structure
格式 géshì a style,a format,the form of characters or letters
格外 géwài especially,all the more
革新 géxīn innovate
各界 gèjiè all walks of life
個體 gètǐ individual
各自 gèzì each,respective,oneself
給予 gěiyŭ give to
跟進 gēnjìn follow in wake of
跟前 gēnqián the front of;presence
根源 gēnyuán source,origin,root
耕地 gēngdì cultivated land
更動 gēngdòng change,alter
gōng bow, bend, arch
gōng assault,attack,censure,accuse
公安 gōngān public security
工地 gōngdì building/construction site
宮殿 gōngdiàn palace
攻讀 gōngdú diligently study, major/specialize in
工讀 gōngdú work part-time while studying in college/etc.
公費 gōngfèi public/state expense,bursary,public expense,state expense,scholarship
公會 gōnghuì professional club
攻擊 gōngjí attack,assault
供給 gōnjǐ supply,provide,furnish
恭敬 gōngjìng respectful
功勞 gōngláo contribution,credit,merit
功利 gōnglì utilitarian
公民 gōngmín citizen
公認 gōngrèn generally acknowledge/recognize/accept
公事 gōngshì public affairs, official business/duties
恭維 gōngwéi flatter, compliment
公文 gōngwén official document
公務 gōngwù public affairs, official business
公務員 gōngwùyuán functionary,government employee
公益 gōngyì public good/welfare
工藝品 gōngyìpǐn handicraft article, handiwork
公債 gōngzhài government bond
鞏固 gǒnggù consolidate,strengthen,solidify
共產 gòngchăn communist
共和國 gònghéguó republic
共鳴 gòngmíng resonance,sympathetic response
供養 gòngyăng provide for, support, make offerings
gōu ditch, channel, trench, groove, rut, furrow, gully, ravine
勾結 gōujié collude/collaborate with
gòu buy
構想 gòuxiăng proposition
孤獨 gūdú lonely,solitary
孤兒 gūér orphan
辜負 gūfù disappoint, let down, fail to live up to
估價 gūjià appraisal,rating,assessment,appraised price,extent,valuation,appraisement,quotation,evaluation
孤立 gūlì isolated
[general][proximation]partial measure word for: 1.long and narrow things.2.water or stream.3.air current or a breath.4. some abstract nouns.
鼓吹 gŭchuī puffery,fanfaron,breathing,advocacy,infusion,implantation,impregnation
鼓動 gŭdòng agitate, arouse, instigate, incite
古怪 gŭguài quaint; eccentric
古跡 gŭjī historic site
古籍 gŭjí ancient books
股市 gŭshì stock market
古物 gŭwù ancient objects,antiquities
hence, so, therefore, as a result
hire, employ
顧全 gùquán show consideration for
固然 gùrán though,although
固體 gùtǐ solid
僱用 gùyòng charter,engage,hire,rent,retain,lease,employ
固有 gùyǒu intrinsic,inherent,innate
固執 gùzhí obstinate,stubborn,persist in,cling to
蝸牛 guāniú snail
寡婦 guăfù widow
guăi turn, change direction, limp, swindle, abduct
怪不得 guàibùdé so that's why
guān government official,officeholder
官司 guānsī lawsuit
棺材 guāncái coffin
觀測 guāncè observe,survey
觀感 guāngăn impressions
關懷 guānhuái show loving care/concern for
觀看 guānkàn watch,view
觀摩 guānmó view and emulate
關切 guānqiè be deeply concerned
關稅 guān shuì customs duty,tariff
關頭 guāntóu a critical juncture; a critical moment
觀望 guānwàng wait and see,look on (from sidelines)
關係 guānxì concern,affect,to matter
關照 guānzhào look after
管教 guănjiào subject sb. to discipline,restrain and instruct
管線 guănxiàn general term for pipes/cables/etc.
管子 guănzi tube, pipe
guàn behold, observe
guàn to spoil, be overindulgent to
guàn irrigate, fill, pour, record (phonographic piece), offer libation
貫徹 guànchè carry out,implement
灌溉 guàngài irrigate
灌輸 guànshū instill into,imbue with,teach,impart
光顧 guānggù patronize
光滑 guānghuá sleek
光輝 guānghuī brilliant,magnificent
光芒 guāngmáng rays of light,radiance
guī go back to,return
guī put in sb.'s charge,belong
規範 guīfàn constraint,norm
規格 guīgé specifications,standard
歸還 guīhuán return, revert
規矩 guījŭ well-behaved,gentleman-like,honest
歸納 guīnà sum up,conclude,induce
規則 guīzé regular,fixed
軌道 guǐdào track,orbit,trajectory,course,path
鬼怪 guǐguài evil_spirit,jinni,spirit,sprite,spectre,supernatural being,monsters of all kind,forces of evil,genie,spiritual being,phantom,ghost and monsters,bugaboo,presence
貴賓 guìbīn honored/distinguished guest
棍子 gùnzi rod, stick
國產 guóchăn make domestically
國防 guófáng national defense
國境 guójìng national territory
國君 guójūn monarch
國營 guóyíng state operated/run
果斷 guǒduàn determined,resolute
果實 guǒshí fruit,gains,fruits
果樹 guǒshù fruit tree
果真 guǒzhēn really,as expected
過關 guòguān pass barrier,go through ordeal,pass test,reach standard
過量 guòliàng overkill,overrun,overdo
過敏 guòmǐn have allergy
過目 guòmù look over (list/etc.) so as to check/approve
過人 guòrén excel,surpass,surpass others
過失 guòshī fault, slip, error, unpremeditated crime
過癮 guòyǐn satisfy craving,enjoy oneself to the fullest
過重 guòzhòng overbalance
海拔 hăibá elevation,height above sea level
海面 hăimiàn sea level
海運 hăiyùn sea transportation,ocean shipping
害蟲 hàichóng pest
hăn call (sb.)
行號 hánghào (registered) company
航空信 hángkōngxìn air mail
行列 hángliè ranks,procession
航行 hángxíng sail,fly
毫不 háobù not at all
好比 hăobǐ can be compared to,may be likened to,be just like
好手 hăoshǒu good hand,expert,professional
好受 hăoshòu pleasurable, comfortable, feeling good
hào name,be called
好學 hàoxué be fond of learning,be eager to learn
號子 hàozi (registered) stock company
合併 hébìng merge,amalgamate
核定 hédìng check and ratify,appraise and decide
核對 héduì check figures/proof
和解 héjiě become reconciled
和睦 hémù harmony; concord; amicability
核算 hésuàn examine and calculate,assess,check
合同 hétóng contract
和諧 héxié harmonious,concordant
合意 héyì be to one's liking,pleasing,be to one's taste,suit
合約 héyuē treaty,contract
何在 hézài where?,what place?
核准 hézhŭn check and approve,ratify
核子 hézǐ nucleon
黑名單 hēimíngdān blacklist
黑社會 hēishèhuì criminal underworld
hěn malicious
狠心 hěnxīn cruel
hēng inj.: humph!
hēng hum
héng move crosswise,transverse
衡量 héngliáng weigh,measure,judge
轟動 hōngdòng make a sensation,stir
轟轟烈烈 hōnghōnglièliè astounding
紅利 hónglì [Commerce] an extra dividend; a bonus; a profit
紅燒 hóngshāo braise in soy sauce
洪水 hóngshuǐ flood,floodwater
宏偉 hóngwěi magnificent,grand
hǒng fool,coax
候選人 hòuxuănrén candidate (for election)
呼籲 hūyù appeal to
[container]container measure word for the amount of liquid
蝴蝶 húdié butterfly
胡亂 húluàn carelessly, casually
狐疑 húyí be suspicious
protect, guard, be partial to, shield, cover
互補 hùbŭ help each other, complement
互惠 hùhuì reciprocity
戶口 hùkǒu number of households and total population, registered permanent residence
花瓣 huābàn (flower) petal
花朵 huāduǒ flower
花卉 huāhuì flowering plant,painting of flowers/plants
花紋 huāwén decorative pattern,figure,wood grain
花樣 huāyàng pattern,variety
划不來 huábùlái not worthwhile,not to one's advantage
華人 huárén Ch. people
華裔 huáyì foreign citizen of Ch. origin
化工 huàgōng chemical industry
話劇 huàjù modern drama, stage play
畫面 huàmiàn general appearance of a picture,tableau,frame,TV screen
化石 huàshí fossil
劃時代 huàshídài epoch-making,epochal
畫展 huàzhăn art/paintings exhibition
huái think of,cherish,conceive (a child)
懷念 huáiniàn cherish memory of,think of
懷疑 huáiyí suspect,doubt
歡送 huānsòng see/send off
huàn contract (an illness)
換取 huànqŭ exchange sth. for,get in return
幻象 huànxiàng mirage, phantom, phantasm
患者 huànzhě sufferer,patient
荒唐 huāngtáng 1.absurd; fantastic; preposterous 2.dissipated; loose; intemperate
慌張 huāngzhāng hurry,hustle,nervous,flustered,fidget,fluster,flurried
惶恐 huángkǒng terrified
恍惚 huănghū illusory, elusive
huī ash,dust
灰塵 huīchén dust, dirt
輝煌 huīhuáng brilliant,glorious
回合 huíhé round,bout,encounter
回絕 huíjué decline, refuse
回升 huíshēng rise again (after a fall),pick up
迴/回響 huíxiăng echo
huǐ destroy,ruin,damage,burn up,defame,slander,refashion,make over
悔恨 huǐhèn regret deeply
毀損 huǐsŭn damage, impair
huì converge, gather together, remit
繪畫 huìhuà painting
會見 huìjiàn meet/see visitors
賄賂 huìlù bribe
匯票 huìpiào draft, bill of exchange, money order
會談 huìtán talk
彗星 huìxīng comet
會意 huìyì understand, comprehend, know
hūn faint,swoon,dizzy,syncope
渾身 húnshēn from head to foot,all over
hùn fool/play around together
混淆 hùnyáo blur,confuse,mix up
混濁 hùnzhuó turbid,muddy
活(兒) huó(ér) product,dinkum,work
活期 huóqí current
伙伴 huǒbàn partner,companion
火箭 huǒjiàn rocket
火力 huǒlì firepower
火焰 huǒyàn flame
火藥 huǒyào gunpowder
huò obtain,win,reap,capture,catch
貨幣 huòbì money,currency
豁達 huòdá open-minded
貨品 huòpǐn types of goods/product
amass,store up,accumulate
基層 jīcéng grass-roots unit,basic/primary level
基地 jīdì base
機動 jīdòng power-driven,motorized,flexible,in reserve for emergency use,mobile
基督 jīdū Christ
飢餓 jīè starve
肌膚 jīfū skin
機警 jījǐng alert
機率 jīlǜ probability
機密 jīmì top secret;classified information
機器人 jīqìrén robot
畸形 jīxíng (1) deformity; (2) abnormal
基因 jīyīn gene
機制 jīzhì mechanism,way,measure
激增 jīzēng increase sharply,soar
be, mean
at present,in the immediate future,then,promptly,at once
[general]partial measuer word for a set of things, sucha s one volume in a set of books, one episode in TV series…etc.
嫉妒 jídù be jealous of,envy,hate
極端 jíduān extremeness
極端 jíduān extreme,exceeding
籍貫 jíguàn native/birth place
集合 jíhé a set,a class
集結 jíjié mass,concentrate,build up
急救 jíjiù first aid,emergency treatment
極力 jílì doing one's utmost,sparing no effort
吉利 jílì lucky, auspicious,good fortune
擊落 jíluò shoot down
汲取 jíqŭ draw, derive
集權 jíquán centralization
即日 jírì this or that very day
即時 jíshí immediately,forthwith
集體 jítǐ collective
集團 jítuán group,clique,circle,bloc
極為 jíwéi extremely,exceedingly
吉祥 jíxiáng auspicious
及早 jízăo at an early date,as soon as possible
急躁 jízào anxious,tingle
急診 jízhěn emergency treatment
繼承 jìchéng inherit,carry on
季風 jìfēng monsoon
劑量 jìliàng dosage, dose
紀律 jìlǜ discipline,morale,laws and regulations
技能 jìnéng technical ability,mastery of a skill/technique
祭祀 jìsì offer sacrifices to gods/ancestors
技藝 jìyì skill,artistry,craft,mechanical arts
家電 jiādiàn household electrical appliances
傢伙 jiāhuo guy,fellow,son-of-a-bitch
家家戶戶 jiājiāhùhù each and every family,every household
佳節 jiājié joyful festival
加緊 jiājǐn speed up, intensify
加快 jiākuài speed up,accelerate
佳人 jiārén beautiful woman
枷鎖 jiāsuǒ yoke,chains,fetters,shackles
加上 jiāshàng in addition (to)
家屬 jiāshŭ family members/dependents
加薪 jiāxīn raise pay,increase sb.'s wages,raise sb.'s wages
加以 jiāyǐ in addition (to)
加重 jiāzhòng make/become heavier,make/become more serious,aggravate
夾雜 jiázá be mixed up or mingled with
jiă borrow,avail of
假若 jiăruò if, supposing, in case
假使 jiăshǐ if,in case,in the event that
假象 jiăxiàng semblance, appearance, pseudomorph
jià put up,erect
架構 jiàgòu construction,framework
假期 jiàqí vacation,holiday
架子 jiàzi frame, stand, rack, shelf, framework, skeleton, outline, stance
jiān fry in shallow oil, simmer in water, decoct, be consumed with vexation
監督 jiāndū supervise,superintend,control
尖端 jiānduān most advanced,sophisticated
堅固 jiāngù firm,solid,sturdy
艱鉅 jiānjù herculean (task), difficult to surmount
艱苦 jiānkŭ arduous
艱難 jiānnán difficult,hard
堅忍 jiānrěn steadfast and persevering (in face of difficulties),long-suffering
監視 jiānshì keep watch on,keep lookout over
堅信 jiānxìn believe firmly
堅硬 jiānyìng hard and solid,firm,rigid,stiff,stony
兼職 jiānzhí hold two or more posts concurrently
簡便 jiănbiàn be efficient and convenient
簡稱 jiănchēng be called sth. for short
簡化 jiănhuà simplify
檢討 jiăntăo discuss thoroughly,self-criticize
簡體字 jiăntǐzì simplified characters
jiàn gradually,by degrees
jiàn cheap, inexpensive, worthless;lowly, humble;despicable
jiàn splash, spatter
建國 jiànguó found or build up a state
見解 jiànjiě view,opinion,understanding
健身 jiànshēn keep fit,exercise
健身房 jiànshēnfáng gymnasium, gym
見識 jiànshì widen one's knowledge/experience
建造 jiànzào build,construct,make
見證 jiànzhèng see with one's own eyes
健壯 jiànzhuàng be healthy and strong,beefy,robust,sturdy
jiāng introducing object of main verb
將軍 jiāngjūn high-rank officer,general
講理 jiănglǐ argue,reason,be reasonable,reasonable,listen to reason,argument
獎勵 jiănglì encourage and reward,award
獎賞 jiăngshăng reward,premium,reinforcement,meed,prix,purse,guerdon
講習 jiăngxí lecture and study
講義 jiăngyì mimeographed/printed teaching materials, class handouts, commentaries on classics
講座 jiăngzuò course of lectures,professorship,chair
獎狀 jiăngzhuàng certificate of merit
交錯 jiāocuò interlock,crisscross
交貨 jiāohuò deliver goods
交集 jiāojí product,union,sum,join,intersection
焦急 jiāojí anxious,nettle,peeve,worried,vex,fuss,fretful
交情 jiāoqíng friendship,friendly relations
交涉 jiāoshè negotiate,make representations
交談 jiāotán converse,chat
腳本 jiăoběn script, scenario
攪和 jiǎohuo mingle,mixture,blend,stir,mix,spoil,mess up
轎車 jiàochē car
教官 jiàoguān schoolmaster,instructor,military instructor
叫好 jiàohăo applaud,shout "Bravo!"
教化 jiàohuà enlighten people by education
教誨 jiàohuǐ teaching, instruction, admonition
較量 jiàoliàng argue,have a trial of strength,have trial of strength,dispute,have trial of skill,have a contest,stack_up,haggle,contest,have a test of strength,measure one's strength with
教徒 jiàotú believer/follower of a religion
教員 jiàoyuán teacher, instructor
jiē all,everyone
階層 jiēcéng social stratum
街坊 jiēfāng neighbors, neighborhood
接管 jiēguăn take over management
階級 jiējí social class
接連 jiēlián in a row,in succession
揭幕 jiēmù inauguration,undrape,prologize,unveil,kick off,inaugurate
接納 jiēnà accept
接洽 jiēqià take up a matter with,arrange (business/etc.) with
揭曉 jiēxiăo announce,publish
jié to cut in two;intercept, stop, block
jié [proximation]partial measure word for a cutted part of long, narrow thing
潔白 jiébái pure
節儉 jiéjiăn scrimp,economize,thrifty,husband,frugal,stint,retrench,pinch
竭力 jiélì try one's best
節慶 jiéqìng festival
結實 jiéshí strong,solid,durable
結業 jiéyè graduate
結緣 jiéyuán form ties
解答 jiědá answer
解放 jiěfàng liberate,emancipate
解渴 jiěkě to quench thirst; to allay one's thirst; to assuage one's thirst; to relieve
解剖 jiěpǒu dissect
解說 jiěshuō explain orally,appease
解體 jiětǐ disintegrate
解脫 jiětuō free (extricate) oneself,release from worldly cares
解約 jiěyuē free,terminate an agreement,discharge
jiè fall due
jiè guard against,exhort,admonish,warn,give up,drop,stop
戒備 jièbèi guard, take precautions
借貸 jièdài borrow/lend money, debit and credit sides
藉口 jièkǒu excuse,pretext
介入 jièrù intervene,interpose,get involved
屆時 jièshí at appointed time,on the occasion
金錢 jīnqián money,wealth
津貼 jīntiē subsidy,allowance
金魚 jīnyú goldfish
緊湊 jǐncòu compact; tight; terse; well-knit
緊密 jǐnmì close together,inseparable,rapid and intense
緊縮 jǐnsuō reduce,retrench
謹慎 jǐnshèn cautious,circumspect
jìn almost
進場 jìnchăng march into arena
近代 jìndài modern times
進度 jìndù rate of advance,planned speed,schedule
勁(兒) jìn(er) physical strength, force
進而 jìnér proceeding to the next step
進攻 jìngōng attack,assault
進化 jìnhuà evolve
晉級 jìnjí rise in rank,be promoted
進軍 jìnjūn march,advance (as of troops)
盡力 jìnlì try one's best
禁令 jìnlìng prohibition, ban
進修 jìnxiū engage in advanced studies,take refresher course
進展 jìnzhăn make progress/headway
jīng perfect,excellent,refined,meticulous,precise,sharp,clever,shrewd
經典 jīngdiăn classics,scriptures
精光 jīngguāng stark naked
精華 jīnghuá cream,quintessence
驚惶 jīnghuáng become alarmed/panic-stricken
經濟 jīngjì economical,thrifty,of economic value
京劇 jīngjù Beijing opera
精明 jīngmíng astute,shrewd
驚奇 jīngqí wonder,be surprised/amazed
精髓 jīngsuǐ marrow, pith, quintessence
經書 jīngshū Confucian classics
驚喜 jīngxǐ be pleasantly surprised
驚險 jīngxiăn breathtaking
鯨魚 jīngyú whale
精緻 jīngzhì fine,exquisite,delicate
jǐng well
警報 jǐngbào alarm, warning, alert
景觀 jǐngguān landscape
警覺 jǐngjué awake
景氣 jǐngqì prosperity,boom
警惕 jǐngtì be extra cautious, alert
警衛 jǐngwèi (security) guard
景物 jǐngwù scenery
景象 jǐngxiàng scene,sight,picture,prospects
jìng unexpectedly
jìng completely, only, merely, nothing but
jìng to offer or serve something politely
境地 jìngdì condition, circumstances
敬佩 jìngpèi esteem,admire
竟然 jìngrán unexpectedly,to one's surprise
競賽 jìngsài compete,contest
競選 jìngxuăn campaign (for office),run for
jiū hold tight, seize, pull, tug, drag
糾紛 jiūfēn complication,dustup,entanglement,tangle
酒店 jiŭdiàn wineshop,public house
酒館 jiŭguăn tavern
酒精 jiŭjīng ethyl alcohol
jiù (1)take advantage of, turn to profit;(2)approach, draw near, come close to
jiù exactly,precisely,only,merely,just
舅父 jiùfù mother's brother, uncle
救濟 jiùjì relieve,succor
就緒 jiùxù be in order, be ready
救援 jiùyuán rescue,come to sb.'s help
occupy (position/place)
局部 júbù part
局面 júmiàn aspect,phase,situation
舉例 jŭlì give an example
沮喪 jŭsàng depressed,disheartened
舉止 jŭzhǐ bearing,manner,mien
舉重 jŭzhòng weight lifting,lift weights
be apart/away from
according to,on the grounds of
聚餐 jùcān mess,split,have dinner party,have a dinner party,dine together
俱全 jùquán complete in all varieties
巨人 jùrén giant,colossus
據悉 jùxī it is reported that...
捐獻 juānxiàn contribute (to organization)
捐贈 juānzèng contribute (as gift),donate,present
絕大多數 juédàduōshù most of,majority
絕跡 juéjī die out,disappearance,die out,go away,die off,vanish,be stamped out,disappear
決賽 juésài finals
決議 juéyì resolution
抉擇 juézé choice
jūn without exception,all
軍備 jūnbèi armament, arms
軍閥 jūnfá warlord
軍官 jūnguān officer
均衡 jūnhéng balance
軍艦 jūnjiàn warship, naval vessel
均勻 jūnyún even,well-distributed
卡通 kătōng cartoon
開辦 kāibàn open,set up,start (business/etc.)
開導 kāidăo to explain and convince
開動 kāidòng to start; to set in motion; to operate; to work
開飯 kāifàn serve meal,serve a meal
開放 kāifàng open
開口 kāikǒu start to talk,speak
開闊 kāikuò widen
開路 kāilù open circuit,blaze a trail,blaze trail,cleave,open a way,pioneer,open way,lead way
開幕 kāimù open,inaugurate (meeting/etc.),raise curtain
開盤 kāipán give the opening quotation
開闢 kāipì open/set up,start,build (road)
開啟 kāiqǐ open
開頭(兒) kāitóu(er) opening move,beginning,start,front,initiative,first step,opening
開銷 kāixiāo expense
開業 kāiyè institute,open a private practice,practicing,establish,start business
開展 kāizhăn develop,launch,unfold
開張 kāizhāng open up,open,open a business,auspicate,the first transaction of a day's business,begin doing business,first transaction of day
刊登 kāndēng publish in periodical
看守 kānshǒu watch, guard
刊物 kānwù publication,periodical
康復 kāngfù restore to health, recover
慷慨 kāngkăi be generous/liberal/unselfish
káng carry on shoulder
抗爭 kàngzhēng make stand against,resist
考場 kăochăng examination hall/room
考古 kăogŭ engage in archaeological studies
考生 kăoshēng examinee
考驗 kăoyàn test
刻畫/劃 kēhuà depict, portray
科幻 kēhuàn scientific and fictional
苛責 kēzé excoriate
可觀 kěguān considerable,sizable
可見 kějiàn it is thus evident that
可望 kěwàng has been expected
可行 kěxíng feasible
刻薄 kèbó mean, ungenerous, carping, harsh
客機 kèjī aircraft
刻苦 kèkŭ hard-working, self-sacrificing
課業 kèyè lessons,schoolwork
刻意 kèyì conscious,purposely,painstakingly,sedulously
克制 kèzhì restrain, exercise restraint
吭聲 kēngshēng utter a word,utter a sound
空曠 kōngkuàng open,wide,spacious
空難 kōngnàn airplane disaster
空談 kōngtán prattle
空運 kōngyùn air transport
kǒng hole,aperture
恐嚇 kǒnghè threaten,intimidate
恐懼 kǒngjù fear,dread
口_3 kǒu 1.[general]individual measure word for things with an opening.2.[proximation]individual measure word for swords, knives...etc.
口頭 kǒutóu in words
口吻 kǒuwěn muzzle,snout,tone of voice,note (revealing attitude)
扣除 kòuchú deduct
快活 kuàihuó happy,cheerful
狂風 kuángfēng gale force wind
狂妄 kuángwàng wild,presumptuous,arrogant
昆蟲 kūnchóng insect
kùn to surround, get stock in
困境 kùnjìng difficult position,predicament,straits
困擾 kùnrăo perplex,puzzle
苦工 kŭgōng hard manual work
苦難 kŭnàn suffering,misery,distress
苦惱 kŭnăo vexed,worried
苦衷 kŭzhōng buttoned-up pain, difficulty that is hard to say
庫存 kùcún stock,reserve
kuā to praise;to boast, brag
誇耀 kuāyào parade,boastful,brag,boast,swank,pique,overcrow,glory
跨越 kuàyuè stride across,leap over
寬廣 kuānguăng broad,extensive,vast
寬闊 kuānkuò broad,spacious
kuăn [kind][general]measure word for styles or types
款待 kuăndài treat cordially, entertain
款式 kuănshì pattern, style, design
礦產 kuàngchăn mineral products, minerals
kuī in mocking sense
kŭn bundle up
擴建 kuòjiàn extend (factory/mine/etc.)
擴散 kuòsàn diffuse,proliferate
擴張 kuòzhāng expand,enlarge,extend,dilate
拉票 lāpiào ballot,canvass,solicit votes
臘月 làyuè 12th lunar month/moon
lái time (since)
來賓 láibīn guest,visitor
來得 láide emerge (from a comparison) as,come out as
來客 láikè guest, visitor
lán bar, block, hold back
懶惰 lănduò lazy
懶散 lănsàn laze,laze about,laze around,indolent
濫用 lànyòng abuse,misuse
朗讀 lăngdú read aloud, read loudly and clearly
朗誦 lăngsòng read aloud with expression, declaim
láo prison house,cage
勞改 láogăi to reform through labor
勞累 láolèi tire sb.
老年 lăonián old age
老人家 lăorénjiā old person,parents
老鼠 lăoshŭ mouse,rat
老天爺 lăotiānyé God, Heavens
老頭(兒/子) lăotóu(ér/zi) old fogy/codger, my old man
老鄉 lăoxiāng fellow villager, friendly address for male villager, country bumpkin
老子 lăozi father
勒索 lèsuǒ extort,blackmail
léi thunder, mine
雷達 léidá radar
雷同 léitóng duplicate,similar,duplication
累積 lěijī accumulate
類似 lèisì be similar to
類型 lèixíng type
冷凍 lěngdòng freeze
冷汗 lěnghàn cold sweat
冷門 lěngmén not in popular
冷清 lěngqīng solitary
particle: expressing exclamation
黎明 límíng dawn, daybreak
罹難 línàn die in disaster,die in accident,die in a disaster,die in an accident,be murdered
理財 lǐcái manage money matters
里程 lǐchéng mileage
禮服 lǐfú ceremonial robe/dress,formal attire
禮節 lǐjié etiquette,protocol,ceremony
理論 lǐlùn argue
禮貌 lǐmào have good manners,polite
理性 lǐxìng rational
理學 lǐxué natural science
理智 lǐzhì rational,sagacious,wise
for example
例外 lìwài excepted
利弊 lìbì pros and cons
立國 lìguó found a state,build up a nation
立即 lìjí immediate,prompt
歷屆 lìjiè all previous sessions, etc.
歷來 lìlái in times gone by; since the earliest days
利率 lìlǜ interest rate
歷年 lìnián over the years, calendar year
力求 lìqiú do one's best to,strive for
立體 lìtǐ three-dimensional,stereoscopic
力行 lìxíng practice/perform energetically, act with force
力學 lìxué mechanics
lián to unite
lián antithetical couplet
連帶 liándài connected
廉價 liánjià low-priced,cheap
廉潔 liánjié incorruptible,upright
連結 liánjié join,link
聯盟 liánméng alliance,coalition,league,union
連任 liánrèn renew one's term of office
聯繫 liánxì integrate,relate,link,get in touch with
連線 liánxiàn connect
聯想 liánxiăng associate,connect in one's mind
臉龐 liănpáng face
臉譜 liănpŭ theatrical makeup
良機 liángjī good/golden opportunity
兩極 liăngjí the two poles (of the earth or a magnet/battery)
兩口子 liăngkǒuzi couple
遼闊 liáokuò vast,extensive
liè arrange,line up,list,enter in a list
列車 lièchē train
列國 lièguó various countries
獵人 lièrén hunter
列入 lièrù be listed/placed
烈士 lièshì martyr, person of high endeavor
lín facing
lín on the point of,just before,be about to
臨床 línchuáng clinical
鄰里 línlǐ neighborhood,neighbors
líng bell, sth. bell-shaped, bud
líng accurate,right (of prediction/etc.)
靈感 línggăn inspiration
靈驗 língyàn efficient,effective
領隊 lǐngduì leader of a group/team/etc.
領會 lǐnghuì understand, comprehend, grasp
領悟 lǐngwù comprehend, grasp
lìng order, command
lìng separate, separately, some other
溜冰 liūbīng ice-skate,skating,ice skate,roller-skate,roller-skating,rink,roller skate,skate
流程 liúchéng manufacturing/technological process/workflow,course (of river/etc.)
流傳 liúchuán spread,circulate,hand down
流落 liúluò wander about destitute
流氓 liúmáng hoodlum,hooligan,gangster
流失 liúshī run off,be washed away
流水 liúshuǐ flowing/running water
流通 liútōng circulate
流星 liúxīng shooting star,meteor
流域 liúyù valley,river basin,drainage area
柳樹 liŭshù willow tree
籠子 lóngzi large box/chest,trunk
籠罩 lóngzhào envelop,shroud
壟斷 lǒngduàn monopolize
樓房 lóufáng building of two or more stories
lòu (1)leak out,divulge,leak;(2)be missing,leave out
donkey, ass
旅費 lǚfèi travelling expenses
履歷 lǚlì curriculum vitae, antecedents
旅途 lǚtú journey,trip,route
履行 lǚxíng perform,fulfill,carry out
lüè slightly,cursorily,somewhat
爐子 lúzi stove, oven, furnace
陸地 lùdì dry land
路過 lùguò pass by/through (a place)
露天 lùtiān in the open air,outdoors
錄影 lùyǐng video-tape
luăn ovum,egg,spawn,fish roe
輪廓 lúnkuò outline,contour,rough sketch
倫理 lúnlǐ ethics,moral principles
淪陷 lúnxiàn fall into enemy hands
lùn by,in terms of
論點 lùndiăn argument,thesis
囉嗦 lōusuō yak,bothersome
luó gong
邏輯 luójí logic
落得 luòde get, end/result in
落魄 luòtuò sink,abject
駱駝 luòtuo camel
落選 luòxuăn wash out,lose an election,fail to be elected
麻醉 mázuì anesthesize,poison,drug
馬鈴薯 mălíngshŭ potato
埋伏 máifú hide,lie low
買賣 măimài buying and selling,business deal/transaction,(small) merchant enterprise
買主 măizhŭ buyer, customer
mài move forward
邁進 màijìn stride forward
麥子 màizi wheat
賣座 màizuò draw large attendance,draw
mán deceive, hide truth from
mán quite,very
蠻橫 mánhèng arrogant
滿懷 mănhuái be imbued with,all pregnant with young (of a flock of sheep/etc.)
漫長 màncháng very long,endless
蔓延 mànyán spread out,extend
盲從 mángcóng follow blindly
芒果 mángguǒ mango
茫然 mángrán ignorant,in the dark
盲人 mángrén blind person
毛毯 máotăn woollen blanket
茂密 màomì dense,thick (of vegetation)
冒險 màoxiăn take risks/chances
méi [general]individual measure word for 1. some small, round or lump-shaped things.2.rockets, missiles…etc.
眉毛 méimáo eyebrow,brow
媒體 méitǐ media
眉頭 méitóu brows
美滿 měimăn happy,harmonious (of a family)
每每 měiměi often,invariably
美容院 měiróngyuàn beauty parlor/shop
mēn muffled (of sound),stuffy
悶熱 mēnrè swelter
mén [general]Individual measure word for 1.clans, marriages, relatives...etc.2.cannons
門戶 ménhù door,strategic gateway,faction,sect,family status
méng be indebted (to sb. for a kindness),be granted a favor
měng suddenly,abruptly,fiercely
猛烈 měngliè fierce,rabid
夢見 mèngjiàn dream about sb./sth.
夢想 mèngxiăng dream of,vainly hope
彌補 míbŭ make up,remedy,make good
迷宮 mígōng labyrinth,maze
迷惑 míhuò puzzle,confuse,baffle
迷戀 míliàn be enamored with,be infatuated with
謎語 míyŭ riddle, conundrum
密集 mìjí concentrated,crowded together
綿延 miányán be continuous,stretch long and unbroken
勉強 miǎnqiǎng force sb. to do sth.
免稅 miănshuì duty-free
免疫 miănyì immune
面孔 miànkǒng face
面談 miàntán discuss face to face
描繪 miáohuì depict,describe,portray
miè extinguish,exterminate,put/go out
民俗 mínsú folk custom,folkways
民謠 mínyáo folk songs/rhymes
民營 mínyíng privately run (of enterprises)
民眾 mínzhòng the masses
敏感 mǐngăn be sensitive,susceptible
敏捷 mǐnjié nimble,agile
míng cry (of birds/animals)
明白 míngbái clearly
名額 míngé quota of people
名號 mínghào name
明理 mínglǐ reasonable
名氣 míngqì reputation,fame,name
明日 míngrì tomorrow, the near future
名聲 míngshēng reputation, repute, renown
名勝 míngshèng place famous for its scenery or historical relics,scenic spot
名堂 míngtáng name, designation, result, achievement, activity, reason, variety (of events in a show/etc.)
名下 míngxià under sb's name
冥想 míngxiăng contemplate,meditate,muse,deep thought,meditation
明智 míngzhì judicious
命名 mìngmíng name (sb./sth.)
命中 mìngzhòng hit target/mark
模範 mófàn exemplary person/thing; model,mold for casting bronze
模具 mójù mold,die
模式 móshì model,pattern
魔術 móshù magic,conjuring,sleight of hand
at the end
沒落 mòluò decline,wane
默默 mòmò quietly,silently
末期 mòqí last/final phase/stage
默契 mòqì tacit/secret agreement
漠視 mòshì treat as unimportant,ignore
沒收 mòshōu confiscate, expropriate
謀生 móushēng seek livelihood
某些 mǒuxiē some
m.[standard]measure word for field
木材 mùcái wood; timbering; timber; lumber
牧場 mùchăng grazing land,pasture
目睹 mùdŭ to witness,see with one's own eyes
目光 mùguāng sight,vision,view,gaze,look
目擊 mùjí to witness,see with one's own eyes
募集 mùjí to raise; to collect
木刻 mùkē woodcut, wood engraving
木料 mùliào timber, lumber
木偶 mùǒu wooden figure; a blocehead, puppet
沐浴 mùyù have/take a bath,bathe,immerse
introducing instrument or target
納悶 nàmèn wonder
納入 nàrù to subsume,to bring into,to fit into,to intake
納稅 nàshuì pay taxes
năi therefore
nài bear,endure
耐力 nàilì endurance, stamina
難度 nándù (degree of) difficulty
男方 nánfāng husband's side,bridegroom's side,the bridegroom's or husband's side
難關 nánguān difficulty, crisis
難免 nánmiăn incidental
難題 nántí difficult problem,sticker,poser
難以 nányǐ be difficult to
難民 nànmín refugee
囊括 nángguā include, embrace
腦海 năohăi brain,mind
腦力 năolì brains, mental capability
內閣 nèigé cabinet
內涵 nèihán intention,connotation
內銷 nèixiāo sell in domestic market
內戰 nèizhàn civil war
內政 nèizhèng domestic affairs
能量 néngliàng energy,capabilities
draw up,draft
擬定 nǐdìng formulate,conjecture
be bored with,greasy,be tired of
nián sticky
念頭 niàntou thought,idea,intention
niáng ma,mum,mother
娘家 niángjiā married woman's parents' home
凝固 nínggù solidify
凝結 níngjié coagulate, congeal, condense
凝聚 níngjù condense (of vapor),coalesce,concentrate
凝視 níngshì gaze fixedly,stare
扭轉 niŭzhuăn turn round/back,reverse,remedy (a situation)
農場 nóngchăng farm
農具 nóngjù farm implements
農田 nóngtián farmland,cropland
農作物 nóngzuòwù crops
弄錯 nòngcuò misunderstand
弄壞 nònghuài maim,go,put out of order,mar,fail,poison,bitch,mess,stultify,bedevil,give way,die,wear,bust,conk out,go bad,ruin,fall apart,give out,murder,spoil,kayo,break down,break,vitiate,wear out
女方 nǚfāng groom’s, bride's side
女性 nǚxìng female sex,woman
虐待 nüèdài maltreat,tyrannize,abuse
奴隸 núlì slave
怒氣 nùqì wrath, anger, rage, fury
nuăn to warm
nuó move, shift
懦弱 nuòruò fainthearted
諾言 nuòyán promise, consent
偶而/爾 ǒuér(ěr) occasionally
偶然 ǒurán fortuitous,chance
lie prone,bend over face down
拍馬屁 pāimăpì flattery
拍攝 pāishè take (picture),shoot (film)
拍子 pāizi [Music] a beat; time; the type of rhythm; a tempo
拍照 pāizhào take (picture),shoot (film)
排除 páichú get rid of,remove,eliminate
排擠 páijǐ push aside,push/elbow out
排名 páimíng put names in order
派出所 pàichūsuǒ police substation
派遣 pàiqiăn send,dispatch
派頭 pàitóu style, manner
pàn to judge, hand down decision at court
pàn to hope, to long for
旁人 pángrén other people
旁聽 pángtīng audit a class
pāo throw,toss,fling,leave behind,cast aside
拋棄 pāoqì abandon,forsake,cast aside
跑道 păodào runway,track
pào [proximation]measure word for tea
泡沫 pàomò foam,froth
培訓 péixùn cultivate, train
培育 péiyù cultivate,foster,breed
噴漆 pēnqī spray lacquer,spray paint
盆地 péndì basin
蓬勃 péngbó vigorous,flourishing
捧場 pěngchăng act as a claque member sing the praises of; to flatter
pèi distribute according to plan
pèi deserve,be worthy of,be qualified
佩服 pèifú admire
配給 pèijǐ ration
配音 pèiyīn dub,lip-sync
批發 pīfā wholesale
批准 pīzhŭn ratify,approve,sanction
疲憊 píbèi tired-out,exhausted
匹_2 [general]measure word used to count cloth
譬如 pìrú for example,such as
偏差 piānchā deviation,error
便宜 piányí advantage
便宜 piányí let sb. off lightly
片_1 piàn m.[proximation]measure word 1.for sound, voices…etc.2.for scenery.3 to indicate a kindly feeling
片刻 piànkè short while, moment
piào [general][activity]collective measure word for a crowd or a group of people
貧苦 pínkŭ poor, impoverished
貧民 pínmín poor people,pauper
品味 pǐnwèi savor,taste
品種 pǐnzhǒng breed,variety,assortment
pīn put/piece together,spell
乒乓球 pīnpāngqiú ping-pong, ping-pong ball
平凡 píngfán ordinary,common
評估 pínggū estimate,evaluate
評價 píngjià evaluation
評論 pínglùn comment on,discuss
平面 píngmiàn plane
平穩 píngwěn smooth,steady,even
平行 píngxíng of equal rank,parallel,simultaneous
splash, spill, sprinkle
婆家 pójiā husband's family
破案 pòàn solve,solve a case,crack a criminal case,solve criminal case
破產 pòchăn go bankrupt,come to naught
破除 pòchú do away with
迫害 pòhài persecute
破獲 pòhuò unearth, uncover
破例 pòlì make an exception,make exception,break rule,break a rule
魄力 pòlì boldness, audacity, daring resolution
破碎 pòsuì smash sth. to pieces
樸素 púsù simple, unadorned
曝光 pùguāng expose
暴露 pùlù reveal,lay bare
淒涼 qīliáng desolate,dreary
欺侮 qīwŭ bully, humiliate
奇觀 qíguān spectacular sight, wonder
期貨 qíhuò goods to be delivered at specific time,futures
奇蹟 qíjī miracle,wonder,marvel
奇妙 qímiào wonderful,marvelous
期末 qímò end of semester/quarter
期望 qíwàng to hope; to expect; to anticipate
奇異 qíyì strange,queer,bizarre,odd
旗幟 qízhì banner,flag,rallying point,stand
起步 qǐbù start (a task)
啟發 qǐfā enlighten,stimulate
起伏 qǐfú rise and fall,undulate
乞丐 qǐgài beggar
起碼 qǐmă at least
啟事 qǐshì notice, announcement
啟示 qǐshì apocalypse,illumination,revelation
起源 qǐyuán origin
氣概 qìgài mettle, spirit
氣管 qìguăn windpipe, trachea
契機 qìjī juncture,turning/critical point
氣派 qìpài dignified
棄權 qìquán waive/forfeit one's right,abstain from voting
氣勢 qìshì vigour,verve,manner,air
氣體 qìtǐ air,gas
氣壓 qìyā atmospheric pressure
恰當 qiàdàng appropriate,proper,suitable,fitting
恰好 qiàhăo exactly,just right
恰恰 qiàqià coincidentally, exactly
洽商 qiàshāng make arrangements with, talk over with
洽談 qiàtán hold trade talk,negotiate
qiān lead
牽連 qiānlián involve (in trouble), implicate
簽署 qiānshŭ sign/initial (a document)
謙遜 qiānxùn condescending
前輩 qiánbèi senior (in age/experience/etc.),elder,older generation
潛藏 qiáncáng go into hiding
前程 qiánchéng future, prospect
虔誠 qiánchéng pious,devout
前後 qiánhòu front and rear,around or about,altogether
前景 qiánjǐng foreground,prospect,vista,perspective
前科 qiánkē previous criminal record
潛力 qiánlì latent capacity,potential(ity)
前提 qiántí premise,prerequisite,presupposition
前院 qiányuàn front courtyard
淺薄 qiănbó superficial,meager,shallow
淺顯 qiănxiăn easy to read and understand,plain
腔調 qiāngdiào tune, accent
牆角 qiángjiăo corner (formed by two walls)
強勁 qiángjìn powerful,forceful
強求 qiángqiú extort, exact, impose
強權 qiángquán power, might
強壯 qiángzhuàng strong,sturdy
瞧不起 qiáobùqǐ look down upon, despise
橋樑 qiáoliáng bridge (lit./fig.)
巧合 qiăohé with coincidence
qiào pretty,handsome,smart
qiào raise,become warped
峭壁 qiàobì cliff, precipice
蹺課 qiàokè to avoid attending classes
切磋 qiēcuō learn from group discussion
qiě both A and B
qiě just; for the time being
切實 qièshí feasible,practical,realistic
竊賊 qièzéi thief, burglar
qīn be close to,approve of
親愛 qīnài dear,beloved
侵犯 qīnfàn violate,infringe on (sb.'s rights)
侵害 qīnhài encroach on (other's rights),violate
侵略 qīnlüè invade
欽佩 qīnpèi admire, esteem, respect
親熱 qīnrè warm and affectionate;closely attached to one another
親身 qīnshēn in person,personally,first-hand
親生 qīnshēng first kin, one's own
侵蝕 qīnshí corrode,erode
侵襲 qīnxí make sneak attack on
qín general name for stringed instruments,zither-like instrument
勤奮 qínfèn diligent,assiduous
寢室 qǐnshì bedroom,dormitory
輕薄 qīngbó insult, harass (verbally)
青翠 qīngcuì lush
清澈 qīngchè limpid,clear
青春 qīngchūn one's youth,young adulthood
清淡 qīngdàn mild (of flavor),placid (of life)
清潔 qīngjié clean,sanitary
清靜 qīngjìng quiet
清廉 qīnglián honest
輕蔑 qīngmiè indignity,flout,disdain,disparagement,scorn,contempt,dispraise,disrespect
清掃 qīngsăo sweeping
輕視 qīngshì despise,slight
青蛙 qīngwā frog
傾向 qīngxiàng tendency,trend,inclination
輕易 qīngyì lightly,rashly
清幽 qīngyōu quite and exquisite
情報 qíngbào intelligence,information
情操 qíngcāo sentiment (intellectual/aesthetic/etc.)
情婦 qíngfù mistress, the other woman
情節 qíngjié story,details,plot,circumstances
情景 qíngjǐng scene,sight,circumstances
情侶 qínglǚ sweethearts,lovers
情趣 qíngqù temperament,interest,appeal
情緒 qíngxù emotions,feelings,mood
慶幸 qìngxìng rejoice at a good outcome
丘陵 qiūlíng hills, mounds, craggy terrain
求學 qiúxué study,attend school
求助 qiúzhù seek help
屈服 qūfú surrender
趨勢 qūshì trend,tendency
渠道 qúdào irrigation ditch, medium/channel of communication
取材 qŭcái select material (for book/etc.)
取締 qŭdì ban (publication old custom etc.),punish violator
取樣 qŭyàng sampling
取悅 qŭyuè try to please
趣味 qùwèi fun,interest,taste,delight
quān circle,encircle
圈子 quānzi circle
quán [activity]measure word for the times someone boxes with their fists
全力 quánlì all one's strength,wholehearted dedication
權力 quánlì power,authority
全盤 quánpán all
權威 quánwēi authority
權益 quányì rights and interests
泉源 quányuán fountainhead, source
勸導 quàndăo admonish,advise,induce
勸告 quàngào recommendation,advice,exhortation
缺陷 quēxiàn flaw,shortcoming
確保 quèbăo ensure,guarantee
確切 quèqiè definite,exact,precise,accurate,clear and unambiguous
確實 quèshí really,certainly,truly,indeed
群島 qúndăo archipelago
群居 qúnjū live in groups or as a group
染料 rănliào dyestuff
rāng shout,make noise
ráo spare (from harsh treatment), give sth. extra
熱潮 rècháo upsurge
熱帶 rèdài the tropics
熱量 rèliàng heat
熱水瓶 rèshuǐpíng hot water bottle, thermos flask
仁愛 rénài love for one's fellow man,humanity
人次 réncì man-times (analogous to "man-hours")
人道 réndào humanity,human sympathy
人禍 rénhuò calamity caused by humans
人情 rénqíng human feelings
人群 rénqún crowd
人士 rénshì personage
人手 rénshǒu manpower
人選 rénxuăn candidates,choice among persons
人造 rénzào synthetic,artificial
忍痛 rěntòng very reluctantly,do sth. with reluctance
rèn [general]measure word for the time period of someone who is assigned to some position
認錯 rèncuò admit mistake,apologize
認定 rèndìng firmly believe,set one's mind on sth.
任期 rènqí term of office
任意 rènyì willfully,arbitrarily
日程 rìchéng schedule, itinerary
日光燈 rìguāngdēng fluorescent lamp
日益 rìyì increasingly
róng allow,tolerate
róng dissolve
融合 rónghé mix together,fuse,stick together
溶化 rónghuà dissolve (of sugar/etc.)
容量 róngliàng capacity (of container)
容器 róngqì container
融洽 róngxiá with mutual understanding
容納 róngnà have capacity for,accommodate
容許 róngxŭ permit,tolerate
榮譽 róngyù honor
róu rub, knead
柔軟 róuruăn soft,lithe
肉麻 ròumá disgusting
肉體 ròutǐ flesh and blood,the body
如此 rúcǐ so,such
儒家 rújiā Confucian school
入境 rùjìng to enter a country
入口 rùkǒu import check
入世 rùshì experience the real world
軟弱 ruănruò flabby,faint,jellify,feeble
軟體 ruăntǐ software
ruò if,as if
若干 ruògān a certain number
let go,release,let oneself go
撒謊 sāhuăng tell lie,blague,lie,tell a lie,cram,falsify
塞車 sāichē traffic jam
sài compete, to race (cars, horses...)
散文 sănwén prose
散布/佈 sànbù disseminate, scatter, diffuse
喪事 sāngshì funeral arrangement
嗓子 săngzi throat, larynx, voice
喪生 sàngshēng get killed,lose one's life
騷動 sāodòng become restless,disturb,upset
嫂子 săozi elder brother's wife
色情 sèqíng pornographic,sexy
色澤 sèzé color and luster
傷亡 shāngwáng injure and die
思潮 sīcháo trend of thought,ideological trend,thoughts
絲毫 sīháo in the slightest amount/degree
司令 sīlìng commander, commanding officer
思念 sīniàn think of,long for,miss
思維 sīwéi thought,thinking
斯文 sīwén cultured
私心 sīxīn selfish motive/idea, selfishness
似的/地 sìde/di it looks like
松樹 sōngshù pine tree, pine
慫恿 sǒngyǒng instigate, incite
搜集 sōují collect,gather
俗稱 súchēng be commonly called...,be commonly known as...
俗語 súyŭ common saying, folk adage
塑膠 sùjiāo synthetic resin,plastic
訴苦 sùkŭ to air one's grievances; to complain
素食 sùshí vegetarian diet
素質 sùzhí quality,diathesis
算命 suànmìng tell fortune
算術 suànshù arithmetic
雖說 suīshuō though,although
suí as soon as
suí right after
隨後 suíhòu later on, soon after
隨即 suíjí immediately
隨身 suíshēn (take/have) with one(self)
隨同 suítóng together; together with
隨著 suízhe along with,in the wake of,in pace with
隧道 suìdào tunnel
歲月 suìyuè years,time
sŭn decrease, lose, harm, damage, be sarcastic/caustic, be mean/shabby
損害 sŭnhài harm,damage,injure
損壞 sŭnhuài damage,injure
損傷 sŭnshāng harm,detriment,blemish,trauma,debit,loss,derogation,strain,hurt,lesion,scathe,damage,impairment,prejudice,wounding,wound
縮小 suōxiăo reduce,narrow,shrink
所得 suǒdé income,earnings,gains
索賠 suǒpéi claim damages
瑣碎 suǒsuì trifling,trivial
所以然 suǒyǐrán whys and wherefores
所在 suǒzài place,location
殺價 shājià to haggle and beat down the price; to reduce prices; to cut price down; to knock sth. off; to drive a bargain
沙拉 shālā salad
沙啞 shāyă hoarse
傻瓜 shăguā fool
煞車 shāchē to tighten, to put on the brake
剎車 shāchē put on the brakes,brake car,turn off a machine,stop a vehicle by applying the brakes,stop a machine by cutting off the power
山峰 shānfēng mountain peak
山谷 shāngŭ mountain valley, dale, ravine, gorge, glen
山脈 shānmài mountain range
閃電 shăndiàn lightning
閃爍 shănshuò twinkle,flicker,glisten
閃耀 shănyào glitter, shine, radiate
擅長 shàncháng be good at
扇子 shànzi fan
傷口 shāngkǒu wound,cut
商榷 shāngquè deliberate
商討 shāngtăo discuss,deliberate over
shăng reward,award
shàng still,yet,fairly,rather
上吊 shàngdiào hang oneself
上好 shànghăo first-class
上進 shàngjìn go forward, make progress
上空 shàngkōng in the sky,overhead
上路 shànglù set out on journey
上門 shàngmén visit
上司 shàngsī superior,boss
上述 shàngshù above-mentioned
上下 shàngxià or so, thereabouts
上旬 shàngxún first 10-day period of a month
上演 shàngyăn put on stage,perform
上癮 shàngyǐn habituate,be addicted
燒香 shāoxiāng burn joss sticks,fumigate
奢侈 shēchǐ luxurious,extravagant
奢望 shēwàng have wild wishes,have extravagant hopes
shè set up,found
涉及 shèjí involve,touch upon
射擊 shèjí shoot,fire
社交 shèjiāo social contact/interaction
社論 shèlùn editorial
攝取 shèqŭ absorb,assimilate
設施 shèshī installation,facilities
攝氏 shèshì Celsius (thermometer)
射手 shèshǒu shooter, marksman
社團 shètuán mass organization
涉嫌 shèxián be suspected of being involved
設想 shèxiăng imagine,assume,have consideration for
設置 shèzhì set/put up,install
深奧 shēnào profound
深沉 shēnchén deep, profound
深度 shēndù depth,profundity
身段 shēnduàn posture
深厚 shēnhòu deep,profound,solid,deep-seated
身教 shēnjiào teach others by one's own example
深切 shēnqiè heartfelt,deep,profound
深入 shēnrù go deep into,penetrate into
深造 shēnzào pursue advanced studies
身子 shēnzi body,health
伸張 shēnzhāng spread
shén magical,mystical,miraculous
神情 shénqíng expression,look
審核 shěnhé examine and verify
審判 shěnpàn try legal case
審慎 shěnshèn cautious; circumspect
審議 shěnyì deliberate
shèn very,extremely
滲入 shènrù permeate, seep into
聲稱 shēngchēng profess,claim
生火 shēnghuǒ beet,fire up,make a fire,light a fire
生理 shēnglǐ physiology
聲明 shēngmíng statement,pronouncement
生平 shēngpíng all one's life (of deceased)
生氣 shēngqì vitality,vigor,life
升遷 shēngqiān be transferred and promoted
生前 shēngqián during lifetime (of deceased)
生人 shēngrén stranger
生死 shēngsǐ life and/or death
聲勢 shēngshì impetus,momentum
生態 shēngtài ecology
生物 shēngwù living thing,organism
生效 shēngxiào operate,become effective,effective,inure,go into effect,take effect
生硬 shēngyìng harsh,rigid
生殖 shēngzhí reproduce
升值 shēngzhí [Economics] revaluation; an appreciation
省事 shěngshì tactful,save trouble,simplify matters
shèng fill,ladle,hold,contain
勝地 shèngdì famous scenic spot
盛情 shèngqíng hospitality
聖賢 shèngxián sages
盛行 shèngxíng be current,be in vogue
盛裝 shèngzhuāng topdress,attire,prink
shī lose,miss,let slip
師範 shīfàn teacher-training,pedagogical
施肥 shīféi muck,feed,apply fertilizer,fertilize,soil,spread manure,manure,nourish,dung,compost
失靈 shīlíng not work or not work properly,conk,malfunction,be out of order
失落 shīluò lose,drop
失明 shīmíng become blind,lose one's sight,go blind
失事 shīshì mismanage,wreck,have an accident
失手 shīshǒu accidentally drop,blunder,misplay,fumble
屍體 shītǐ corpse,remains
施行 shīxíng put in force,execute,implement,apply,perform
失蹤 shīzōng be missing
shí pick up, collect
shí (1)real;(2)solid,full,substantial
shí truely,really,actually
時差 shíchā time difference, jet lag, equation of time
實地 shídì on the ground/spot
石膏 shígāo gypsum
時光 shíguāng time
實踐 shíjiàn practice
時節 shíjié season, time
實況 shíkuàng actual situation/happening
實例 shílì concrete example
時髦 shímáo fashionable,in vogue
實習 shíxí practice,do fieldwork
時效 shíxiào period of effectiveness,prescription,aging
十足 shízú 1 0 0 percent;out-and-out;downright
實證 shízhèng concrete evidence
實質 shízhí substance,essence
shǐ excrement, dung, dropping, secretion (of eye/ear/etc.)
使喚 shǐhuàn order about, be bossy, use, handle
使節 shǐjié diplomatic envoy
使勁 shǐjìn exert all one's strength,muscle,muscle into
史料 shǐliào historical data/materials
使命 shǐmìng mission
勢必 shìbì certainly will,be bound to
事變 shìbiàn incident,emergency,exigency
士兵 shìbīng rank-and-file soldiers
世代 shìdài generation,period,epoch
示範 shìfàn demonstrate,exemplify,exhibit
釋放 shìfàng release,set free
事故 shìgù accident,mishap
嗜好 shìhào hobby,addiction,habit
世間 shìjiān earth,world
事件 shìjiàn incident,event
試卷 shìjuàn examination paper
視覺 shìjué visual sense,vision
市面 shìmiàn business/market conditions
仕女 shìnǚ palace maid, painting of beautiful women
市容 shìróng appearance/condition of a city
世事 shìshì the current affairs, affairs of the world
逝世 shìshì pass away,die
事態 shìtài state of affairs
試圖 shìtú attempt,try
事務 shìwù work,routine,general affairs
事宜 shìyí matters concerned,arrangement
適宜 shìyí suitable,appropriate
適中 shìzhōng not extreme, moderate
收藏 shōucáng collect,store up
收費 shōufèi collect fees,charge
收集 shōují collect,gather
收買 shōumăi purchase, buy in, buy over, bribe
收縮 shōusuō contract,shrink,concentrate one's force
收聽 shōutīng reception,rating
收益 shōuyì profit,gain
shǒu guard,defend,keep watch
手冊 shǒucè handbook,manual
首府 shǒufŭ capital
守護 shǒuhù guard, defend
首領 shǒulǐng chieftain, leader
手槍 shǒuqiāng pistol
手勢 shǒushì gesture,sign
首飾 shǒushì (woman's) jewelry,finery
首席 shǒuxí seat of honor
首長 shǒuzhǎng senior officer
受害 shòuhài suffer injury/loss,be victimized
售貨員 shòuhuòyuán shop assistant,salesclerk
授課 shòukè give lessons
狩獵 shòuliè hunt
壽星 shòuxīng elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated
受訓 shòuxùn receive/undergo training
shū comb hair
書本 shūběn book
舒暢 shūchàng entirely free from worry,relaxed,unbend,happy
疏導 shūdăo dredge, open up a path for
書面 shūmiàn written,in written form,in writing
疏散 shūsàn scatter, disperse, relax by taking stroll
書寫 shūxiě write
輸血 shūxiě [Medicine] blood transfusion
舒展 shūzhăn unfold, extend, smooth out, stretch
束縛 shùfú tie up,fetter
數據 shùjù data
樹苗 shùmiáo sapling
衰退 shuāituì fail,decline
shuài lead,command
shuāng frost, frostlike powder
雙胞胎 shuāngbāotāi twins
雙重 shuāngchóng double,dual,twofold
雙打 shuāngdă doubles
爽快 shuăngkuài straightforwardly
水道 shuǐdào water course/way/route
水稻 shuǐdào paddy (rice), rice
水晶 shuǐjīng crystal,rock crystal
水庫 shuǐkù reservoir
水力 shuǐlì waterpower, hydraulic power
水泥 shuǐní cement
水源 shuǐyuán headwaters,waterhead,source of water
水蒸氣 shuǐzhēngqì steam
睡眠 shuìmián sleep
瞬間 shùnjiān breath,moment,jiff,breathing space,breathing place,twinkling,trice,breathing spell,breathing time,split second,instancy,breathing,wink,blink,shake,instant,mo,breather,blink of an eye,flash,twinkle,New York minute,minute,bit,in_a_moment,second,article,tran
順應 shùnyìng comply with,conform to
說謊 shuōhuăng tell a lie
說笑 shuōxiào chat and laugh
碩士 shuòshì Master (of Arts),M.A.,eminent scholar
他人 tārén another person; others
踏實 tàshí dependable,at ease,solid
tái [event]measure word for performances, operas...etc.on the stage
台階 táijiē flight of steps, way out (of awkward situation), bench
太極拳 tàijíquán a kind of shadowboxing
太空 tàikōng firmament,outer space
太平 tàipíng peaceful;peace and tranquility
態勢 tàishì state,situation,posture
tān be corrupt,practice graft,covet,hanker after
攤位 tānwèi stand,booth,stall
貪心 tānxīn avaricious,greedy
攤子 tānzi vendor's stand, stall, structure of an organization, setup
tán phlegm, sputum
談論 tánlùn discuss
彈性 tánxìng elasticity
坦克 tănkè tank
坦然 tănrán calm,unperturbed,frank,open
探病 tànbìng visit a patient
探究 tànjiù investigate
探索 tànsuǒ explore, probe
探討 tàntăo inquire into,explore
探望 tànwàng look about,visit
探險 tànxiăn explore,adventure
湯圓 tāngyuán glutinous rice dumplings
堂堂 tángtáng dignified,imposing,having high aspirations and boldness of vision
倘若 tăngruò if,supposing,in case
陶器 táoqì pottery,earthenware
逃生 táoshēng flee for one's life
逃稅 táoshuì dodge tax,evade tax,evade paying one's tax,evade one's tax
淘汰 táotài eliminate through selection/competition,die out
tào [general]measure word for one's capability or measure
套裝 tàozhuāng suit, pantdress
特此 tècǐ hereby
特區 tèqū special zone
特權 tèquán privilege,prerogative
特約 tèyuē engage by special arrangement
特徵 tèzhēng characteristic, trait,characteristic marks,features
疼愛 téngài love dearly
剔除 tīchú reject, get rid of
cry, weep aloud, crow, caw
提拔 tíbá promote
提倡 tíchàng advocate,encourage,recommend
提出 tíchū put forward,pose,raise
提及 tíjí mention,refer to
提名 tímíng nominate
提升 tíshēng promote
提議 tíyì propose,suggest
體操 tǐcāo gymnastics,calisthenics
體格 tǐgé physique, build
體積 tǐjī volume,bulk
體諒 tǐliàng make allowances for
體面 tǐmiàn given honor, be honored
體系 tǐxì system,setup
體驗 tǐyàn learn through practice/experience
體質 tǐzhí physique,constitution
替代 tìdài substitute for,replace,supersede
tiān add,increase
天敵 tiāndí natural enemy
天然氣 tiānránqì natural gas
天性 tiānxìng natural instincts,nature
天災 tiānzāi natural disaster
田地 tiándì farmland, cropland, plight
田徑 tiánjìng sport
甜美 tiánměi loved,cherished,pleasant
挑剔 tiāotī nitpick
調和 tiáohé mediate,reconcile,mix,blend,temper
調和 tiáohé be in harmony
調節 tiáojié regulate,adjust
條例 tiáolì regulations,rules,ordinances
調皮 tiáopí naughty
貼心 tiēxīn intimate
聽寫 tīngxiě dictation,dictate
停頓 tíngdùn cease,be at a standstill,stop
停留 tíngliú stay for a time or at a place
停滯 tíngzhì stagnate,cease moving or making progress
tōng [activity]Measure word for 1.indicate certain actions lasting for a period of time.2.talking, shouting...etc.
通報 tōngbào circulate notice
通車 tōngchē be open to traffic,have transport service
通稱 tōngchēng be generally called/known as
通貨膨脹 tōnghuòpéngzhàng inflation
通緝 tōngqì promulgate an order for the arrest of
通行 tōngxíng pass/go through
通用 tōngyòng in common use,current,general,interchangeable
同伴 tóngbàn companion
同化 tónghuà assimilate,take in,metabolize,absorb,ingest,imbibe,assimilation
同心 tóngxīn united at heart or in common purpose
同鄉 tóngxiāng fellow villager/townsman
同性戀 tóngxìngliàn homosexuality,homosexual
同業 tóngyè same trade/business,person of same trade/business
統統 tǒngtǒng all,completely
統制 tǒngzhì control
痛恨 tònghèn hate bitterly
偷渡 tōudù secretly ferry, steal across international border
偷懶 tōulăn slack,laze,shirk,loaf on the job,truant,goldbrick,lazy,mess about
投保 tóubăo insure
投機 tóujī speculate,be opportunistic
頭腦 tóunăo brains,mind,head,leader,main threads,clue
投入 tóurù participate (in)
透過 tòuguò via
透明 tòumíng transparent
spread on,apply,scrawl
徒弟 túdì apprentice, disciple
圖畫 túhuà drawing,picture,painting
突擊 tújí ambush,outfall,rush,thrust,blitz,onrush,sally,descent,sortie,assault,surprise attack,coup de main
途徑 tújìng way,channel
圖騰 túténg totem
突兀 túwù towering, distinguished, prominent
土壤 tŭrăng soil
tuán [general]measure word for some abstract things indicating confusion or disorder
團聚 tuánjù reunite
團員 tuányuán member (of delegation/organization/etc.)
推測 tuīcè infer,conjecture,guess
推出 tuīchū present to public
推崇 tuīchóng esteem,praise highly
推選 tuīxuăn elect, choose
退化 tuìhuà degenerate, deteriorate
吞吞吐吐 tūntūntŭtŭ hum and haw
tuō hold in palm, support from under, serve as foil, set off, put lining in
tuō delay,drag on,procrastinate
拖累 tuōlèi encumber, be burden on, implicate, involve
脫身 tuōshēn get free,extricate oneself,get away,get away
脫手 tuōshǒu sell
拖延 tuōyán delay,put off
妥當 tuǒdang appropriate,proper
瓦斯 wăsī gas
外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather
外號 wàihào nickname
外力 wàilì outside/external force
外貿 wàimào foreign trade
外銷 wàixiāo sell abroad or elsewhere within country
外線 wàixiàn exterior lines, outside (phone) connection
外衣 wàiyī outer clothing/garment, semblance, appearance
外遇 wàiyù paramour,extramarital affair
外在 wàizài external,extrinsic
外資 wàizī foreign capital
外祖父 wàizŭfù maternal grandfather
外祖母 wàizŭmŭ maternal grandmother
彎曲 wānqū distort
完備 wánbèi perfect
玩弄 wánnòng play/juggle with, resort to, employ
頑強 wánqiáng stubborn
wăn pull, draw
挽救 wănjiù save,remedy
萬分 wànfēn extremely, enormously
萬歲 wànsuì banzai,heil,hurrah,long live viva
萬萬 wànwàn absolutely
萬物 wànwù myriads of things,all nature
惋惜 wànxí feel sorry for/about, pity
亡國 wángguó lose national independence,let a state perish,subjugate a nation
往來 wănglái come and go
旺季 wàngjì peak period, busy/high season
旺盛 wàngshèng vigorous,exuberant
威風 wēifēng 1.power and prestige 2.majestic and awe-inspiring
威力 wēilì power,might
wéi to do
wéi to be,become
違背 wéibèi violate,go against
危害 wéihài harm,endanger
圍巾 wéijīn muffler, scarf
圍牆 wéiqiáng enclosing wall
圍繞 wéirào move around,center on,revolve around
為人 wéirén personal character/make-up
微弱 wéiruò faint,feeble,weak
為生 wéishēng make a living
維生素 wéishēngsù vitamin
為首 wéishǒu head,be headed by
微小 wéixiăo minute,tiny,slight
違約 wéiyuē break one's promise,renege,violate a treaty,break contract,break promise/engagement,welch,break a contract,violate treaty,default,break off an engagement
為止 wéizhǐ stop here
委屈 wěiqū feel wronged; to nurse a grievance 2.[Polite] to put someone under great inconvenience, etc.
萎縮 wēisuō wither,shrivel,shrink,sag,atrophy
wèi stomach
未必 wèibì may not,not necessarily
為何 wèihé why,for what reason
未婚夫 wèihūnfū fiance
未婚妻 wèihūnqī fiancee
胃口 wèikǒu appetite,liking
未免 wèimiăn rather,truly,inevitably
wēn warm up, review
溫帶 wēndài temperate zone
溫和 wēnhé temperate,mild,moderate,gentle
溫泉 wēnquán hot spring
溫習 wēnxí review
溫馴 wēnxún obedient, peaceful,tamed
瘟疫 wēnyì pestilence
聞名 wénmíng well-known,famous
文明 wénmíng civilization,culture
文憑 wénpíng diploma
文書 wénshū document, official correspondence
文壇 wéntán literary circles
文獻 wénxiàn data/documents related to a country's history/culture/etc.
穩健 wěnjiàn firm,steady
紊亂 wènluàn disorder,chaos,confusion
問世 wènshì be published,come out
lie down,crouch,sit (of animals/birds),poach (eggs)
烏龜 wūguī tortoise,cuckold
烏龍茶 wūlóngchá oolong tea
烏鴉 wūyā crow
無比 wúbǐ unparalleled,matchless
無線電 wúxiàndiàn radio
無疑 wúyí beyond doubt,undoubtedly
五金 wŭjīn five metals,ironware,the five metals,hardware,metals
武力 wŭlì armed force
侮辱 wŭrù insult,humiliate
武士 wŭshì palace guard, warrior, knight
武術 wŭshù martial art
武裝 wŭzhuāng arm,equipped with weapons
誤差 wùchā error
物產 wùchăn products, produce
誤解 wùjiě misread,misunderstand
物品 wùpǐn article,goods
務實 wùshí try to be practical/pragmatic,deal with concrete matters
物體 wùtǐ body,substance,object
物資 wùzī materials,goods
西服 xīfú Western-style clothes
溪流 xīliú brook,rivulet
西洋 xīyáng the West,the Western world
西醫 xīyī Western medicine
[general][event]individual measure word for 1. elaborate meals, usually for a special event. 2. talking, vindicating…etc.3. special space or political event
襲擊 xíjí make surprise attack on
昔日 xírì former days/times
習題 xítí exercises
席位 xíwèi seat
喜劇 xǐjù comedy
洗禮 xǐlǐ baptism,severe test
喜氣 xǐqì hilarity
喜悅 xǐyuè happy,joyous
戲曲 xìqŭ a drama; a play; a traditional opera
瑕疵 xiácī flaw, blemish
峽谷 xiágŭ gorge,canyon
狹小 xiáxiăo narrow and small,narrow
狹窄 xiázhăi narrow,cramped,narrow and limited
下筆 xiàbǐ begin to paint,put pen to paper,begin to write
下跌 xiàdié fall,decline,decrease
下列 xiàliè listed below,following
下水 xiàshuǐ water,enter the water,take to evildoing,fall into evil ways,launch,be launched
下水道 xiàshuǐdào sewer
下旬 xiàxún last 10-day period of month
xiān lift (cover/etc.), surge, cause to surge
仙丹 xiāndān elixir of life
先後 xiānhòu order,priority
先進 xiānjìn senior (in age/experience/etc.)
鮮明 xiānmíng bright (of color),distinct,distinctive
先驅 xiānqū pioneer, forerunner, harbinger
先天 xiāntiān congenital,inborn,a priori,innate
纖維 xiānwéi fiber,staple
鮮豔/艶 xiānyàn bright
嫌疑 xiányí suspicion
顯現 xiănxiàn appear,reveal
xiàn set a limit,restrict
限度 xiàndù limit,limitation
憲法 xiànfă constitution,charter
線路 xiànlù circuit,line,route
陷入 xiànrù sink/fall into,get bogged down in
獻身 xiànshēn give one's life for,consecrate,dedicate oneself to,dedicate,devote oneself to,devote,give one's life
現行 xiànxíng in effect/force/operation,current,active
現狀 xiànzhuàng status quo,present conditions
xiāng inlay, set, mount
相處 xiāngchŭ get along (with one another)
相傳 xiāngchuán hand down or pass on from one to another
相仿 xiāngfăng be similar, be more or less same
相符 xiāngfú conform to, tally/agree with, correspond to/with
相繼 xiāngjì in succession,one after another
相配 xiāngpèi match, fit
鄉土 xiāngtŭ upcountry,corny
香皂 xiāngzào perfumed/scented soap
想開 xiăngkāi think away, get over
響亮 xiăngliàng loud and clear, vociferous;ring_out
xiàng [general]individual measure word for sums of money, accounts...etc.
xiàng always,all along
嚮導 xiàngdăo guide,cicerone
嚮往 xiàngwăng long for,dream of
象徵 xiàngzhēng symbol,emblem,token
象徵 xiàngzhēng symbolize,signify,stand for
消毒 xiāodú disinfect,sterilize
消防 xiāofáng fight/prevent fire
消耗 xiāohào consume,use up,deplete
消遣 xiāoqiăn make fun of ..
消遣 xiāoqiăn divert oneself, while away time
瀟灑 xiāosă handsome and debonair,natural and unrestrained
逍遙 xiāoyáo be free and unfettered
小販 xiăofàn peddler,vendor,hawker
小伙/夥子 xiăohuǒzi lad, young fellow, youngster
小腿 xiăotuǐ shank
效法 xiàofă follow example of
效勞 xiàoláo serve,give service to,work in the service of,render service to,devote oneself to,work for,be in the service of
效力 xiàolì effect
笑嘻嘻 xiàoxīxī grinning,smiling broadly,grin
孝子 xiàozǐ dutiful son, son in mourning
效忠 xiàozhōng devote oneself heart and soul,pledge loyalty to
協辦 xiébàn do sth. jointly
協定 xiédìng arrange,accord,covenant
協會 xiéhuì association, society
協商 xiéshāng consult,talk things over
協調 xiétiáo coordinate,harmonize,bring into line
協調 xiétiáo concordant,matching
協議 xiéyì agreement
協議 xiéyì agree on
血汗 xiěhàn blood and sweat, sweat and toil
血跡 xiějī bloodstain
寫實 xiěshí write/paint realistically
血壓 xiěyā blood pressure
寫作 xiězuò writing
洩氣 xièqì to feel discouraged,to lose heart,to be disheartened,to be disappointed,to be frustrated
心愛 xīnài love,treasure
新潮 xīncháo fashionable
心靈 xīnlíng heart,soul,spirit
辛勤 xīnqín industrious,hardworking
心軟 xīnruăn softhearted
心思 xīnsī thought,idea,thinking
心酸 xīnsuān feel sad,be grieved
辛酸 xīnsuān sad, tearful
心聲 xīnshēng heartfelt wish,aspiration,thinking
心事 xīnshì weight on one's mind,worry
新手 xīnshǒu new hand, raw recruit
心態 xīntài psychology
心疼 xīnténg love dearly; feel sorry
新興 xīnxīng new and developing,rising,burgeoning
心胸 xīnxiōng breadth of mind
新穎 xīnyǐng new and original,novel
信賴 xìnlài trust,count on,have faith in
信念 xìnniàn faith,belief,conviction
信徒 xìntú believer,disciple
信息 xìnxí information,news,message
星辰 xīngchén stars
興隆 xīnglóng thrive,flower,flourish,prosperous,prosper
星座 xīngzuò constellation
行善 xíngshàn philanthropize,practise philanthropy,do kind deeds,do good works
行使 xíngshǐ exercise,perform
刑事 xíngshì criminal,penal
形勢 xíngshì terrain,topographical features,situation,circumstances
型態 xíngtài format
形態 xíngtài form,shape,pattern,morphology
形體 xíngtǐ physique,form and structure
行星 xíngxīng planet
形形色色 xíngxíngsèsè all kinds of things
行政 xíngzhèng administration
性能 xìngnéng natural capacity,function (of machine/etc.),property
興起 xīngqǐ rise,spring up,be on the upgrade
性情 xìngqíng disposition,temperament,temper
興致 xìngzhì interest, mood to enjoy
xiōng chest,bosom,thorax,mind,heart
胸口 xiōngkǒu pit of stomach,the middle of the chest
修補 xiūbŭ mend, repair, revamp
修訂 xiūdìng revise
修好 xiūhăo foster cordial relations between states
修建 xiūjiàn build,construct,erect
修女 xiūnǚ nun, sister
修養 xiūyăng self-cultivation,spiritual character
修築 xiūzhú construct,build,put up
xiù embroider
must,have to
虛擬 xūnǐ fictitious,suppositional
虛心 xūxīn humble, open-minded
or so
許多 xŭduō very many (much)
許久 xŭjiŭ for a long time
許可 xŭkě permit,allow
酗酒 xùjiŭ drink excessively
序幕 xùmù prologue,prelude
敘述 xùshù narrate,recount,relate
宣稱 xuānchēng assert,declare,profess
宣告 xuāngào declare,proclaim
宣示 xuānshì announce,proclaim
宣誓 xuānshì take/swear an oath, vow
宣言 xuānyán declaration,manifesto
宣揚 xuānyáng publicize,propagate,advertise
懸崖 xuányái overhanging cliff, precipice
旋律 xuánlǜ melody
懸殊 xuánshū very different, a wide gap
旋轉 xuánzhuăn revolve,gyrate,spin
選拔 xuănbá select
選購 xuăngòu choose and buy
選民 xuănmín voter
選票 xuănpiào ballot
選修 xuănxiū take as an elective
靴子 xuēzi boots
學分 xuéfēn course credit
學好 xuéhăo learn from or emulate good examples
學科 xuékē branch of learning,course,subject,discipline
學年 xuénián school/academic year
學識 xuéshì learning,knowledge,scholarly attainments
學說 xuéshuō theory,doctrine
學徒 xuétú apprentice, trainee
學員 xuéyuán member of institution of learning,student
學制 xuézhì educational/school system, length of schooling
雪人 xuěrén snowman, yeti
削弱 xuèruò weaken, cripple
循環 xúnhuán circulate,cycle.circulatory system
巡邏 xúnluó patrol
巡視 xúnshì make inspection tour
詢問 xúnwèn ask about,inquire
xùn lecture, teach, train
mortgage, pawn, pledge, detain, take into custody, escort, send under escort, shelve, rhyme
鴉片 yāpiàn opium
壓歲錢 yāsuìqián money given to children as a lunar New Year gift,New Year money gift to children
壓縮 yāsuō condense,reduce
壓制 yāzhì suppress,stifle,inhibit,press
bud, sprout, shoot
牙科 yákē dentistry
亞軍 yăjūn runner-up
yān flood, submerge, delay, procrastinate, stay, be stranded
延遲 yánchí delay,postpone
沿海 yánhăi along the coast,coastal,littoral
嚴禁 yánjìn strictly prohibit
嚴厲 yánlì stern,severe
言論 yánlùn open discussion,speech
嚴密 yánmì tight,close
延伸 yánshēn extend,stretch
岩石 yánshí rock
沿途 yántú on the way,throughout a journey
延誤 yánwù incur loss through delay
沿襲 yánxí carry on as before
延續 yánxù continue,go on,last
沿用 yányòng continue to use (old methods/etc.)
癌症 yánzhèng cancer
演變 yănbiàn transmute
眼界 yănjiè field of vision/view, outlook
眼看 yănkàn see sth. happen,watch helplessly
衍生 yănshēng derive,form
演說 yănshuō speech,address
演習 yănxí maneuver,exercise,drill,practice
燕窩 yànwō edible bird's nest, nest of cliff swallow
燕子 yànzi swallow
央求 yāngqiú beg, plead, implore
yăng face upward, admire, respect, look up to, rely/depend on
養分 yăngfèn nutrient
養老 yănglăo live out one's life in retirement,live out life in retirement,provide for the aged
仰慕 yăngmù admire, look up to
yāo invite
yáo kiln,(coal) pit,cave dwelling
搖晃 yáohuàng rock, sway, shake
謠言 yáoyán rumors
遙遠 yáoyuăn distant,remote
要點 yàodiăn main points,essentials,gist,key strongpoint
要犯 yàofàn important criminal
要好 yàohăo being close friends
藥品 yàopǐn medicines and chemical reagents
[general]metaphorical measure word for leaf-like things, such a tiny boat
業績 yèjī achievement
夜景 yèjǐng night scene/view
according to,judging by
依舊 yījiù as before,still
依據 yījù according to,on the basis of,judging by
依賴 yīlài rely/depend on
醫療 yīliáo treat,cure
醫術 yīshù medical skill; the art of healing
醫藥 yīyào medicine
依照 yīzhào according to,in light of
of surprise/disapproval
儀表 yíbiăo appearance, bearing, meter
遺產 yíchăn estate,birthright,patrimony,legacy,heritage,inheritance,bequest
遺傳 yíchuán bequeath,pass on to next generation
一旦 yídàn once,some time or other
一道 yídào together
一度 yídù once, at one time, for a time, on one occasion
一概 yígài one and all,without exception
一貫 yíguàn consistently,from first to last,all along
遺憾 yíhàn regret,pity
遺留 yíliú leave behind, hand down
一律 yílǜ without exception, uniformly,equally
疑慮 yílǜ misgivings,doubts
遺棄 yíqì abandon, forsake
遺體 yítǐ remains (of dead)
遺忘 yíwàng forget
一味 yíwèi habitually, invariably,blindly,stubbornly
移植 yízhí transplant,graft
遺址 yízhǐ ruins,relics
遺志 yízhì deathbed behest
rest on;reply on
以至/致(於) yǐzhì(yú) down/up to, to such an extent as to..., so...that...
both A and B
異常 yìcháng unusual,extraordinary,abnormal
議定 yìdìng decide (after negotiations)
毅力 yìlì willpower,will,stamina
一連串 yìliánchuàn in a row; in succession
一流 yìliú first-class
議論 yìlùn debate,discuss
翌日 yìrì next day
一如 yìrú as
意識到 yìshìdào appreciate, be conscious of
議題 yìtí topic for/under discussion
液體 yìtǐ liquid
意圖 yìtú intention,intent
意味 yìwèi signify,mean,imply
異鄉 yìxiāng alien land (i.e.,not one's hometown)
一心 yìxīn wholeheartedly,of one mind
議員 yìyuán member of legislative body
意願 yìyuàn wish,desire,aspiration
抑制 yìzhì restrain,control,check
因而 yīnér consequently
因果 yīnguǒ cause and effect,karma,preordained fate
陰謀 yīnmóu plot, scheme
陰影 yīnyǐng shadow
銀幕 yínmù (motion-picture) screen
銀色 yínsè grade of silver in coins, silver color
銀子 yínzi money;silver
yǐn quote, cite
引導 yǐndăo guide,lead
引進 yǐnjìn recommend,introduce from elsewhere
引擎 yǐnqíng engine
隱藏 yǐncáng hide,conceal
隱士 yǐnshì recluse, hermit
隱約 yǐnyuē faint,indistinct
印證 yìnzhèng confirm,verify
yīng in response to
yīng to respond,to adapt to,to answer
yīng hawk,eagle,falcon
櫻桃 yīngtáo cherry
英勇 yīngyǒng heroic,valiant
yíng welcome,receive,meet,face
營地 yíngdì campsite
迎合 yínghé pander/cater to
營造 yíngzào construct,build
影射 yǐngshè allude to, insinuate
yìng doggedly
應變 yìngbiàn meet contingency
應酬 yìngchóu have social intercourse with,treat with courtesy
應急 yìngjí meet an urgent need,meet an contingency,meet an emergency,meet emergency,lash-up,meet a contingency
硬體 yìngtǐ hardware
應驗 yìngyàn come true
應徵 yìngzhēng enroll,enlist
優待 yōudài give preferential/special treatment
悠久 yōujiŭ long in time
優勢 yōushì superiority,preponderance
優先 yōuxiān preferentially,preemptively
悠閒 yōuxián leisurely and carefree
優異 yōuyì excellent,outstanding
憂鬱 yōuyù depressed
yóu oily,greasy,glib,slick
由來 yóulái origin,cause
遊覽 yóulăn go sight-seeing,tour,visit
油膩 yóunì oily,greasy
油田 yóutián oil field
油條 yóutiáo deep-fried twisted dough sticks
猶豫 yóuyù hesitate,be irresolute
友愛 yǒuài love fraternally
有機 yǒujī organic
有理 yǒulǐ reasonable,justified,in the right,rational
有為 yǒuwéi capable
有限 yǒuxiàn limited,finite
有心人 yǒuxīnrén person with set purpose,thinking/feeling people
有形 yǒuxíng tangible,visible
有益 yǒuyì benefit,be helpful
有意 yǒuyì have a mind to,be interested in
有緣 yǒuyuán destined
yóu uranium
誘惑 yòuhuò tempt,seduce,lure
幼稚 yòuzhì boyish,immature
yǒng seethe,flow out
踴躍 yǒngyuè eager,enthusiastical
用戶 yònghù consumer,user
用途 yòngtú use
用心 yòngxīn motive,intention
to, at, with, from
in,at,to,from,out of,by
exceed,go beyond,become even more
be left (over),remain
愚蠢 yúchŭn silly,fatuous
輿論 yúlùn public opinion
漁民 yúmín fisherfolk
to give
與會 yŭhuì participate in conference
雨季 yŭjì rainy season
語文 yŭwén (spoken and written) language,language and literature
予以 yŭyǐ give,grant
宇宙 yŭzhòu universe,cosmos
in advance,beforehand
預測 yùcè calculate,forecast
預訂 yùdìng subscribe,book,place an order
預防 yùfáng prevent,guard against
預告 yùgào announce in advance, herald
預估 yùgū predict
玉器 yùqì jadeware
預賽 yùsài preliminary contest
寓言 yùyán allegory,parable,fable
預約 yùyuē make an appointment
yùn carry,transport,use,wield,utilize,revolve
孕婦 yùnfù pregnant woman
醞釀 yùnniàng make preparations,get ready
運行 yùnxíng orbit,operate,travel,revolve,be in motion,gravitate,roll,run,circulate,move
yuán originally,formerly
園林 yuánlín garden, park
元氣 yuánqì energy, force, vitality
元素 yuánsù element
元首 yuánshǒu head of state
原形 yuánxíng original shape
原野 yuányě open country
原子 yuánzǐ atom
原子彈 yuánzǐdàn atom/atomic bomb
援助 yuánzhù help,aid,support
原狀 yuánzhuàng previous condition
遠景 yuănjǐng distant view,prospect,long shot
yuàn blame,reproach,reprove
約束 yuēshù control,restrain,bind
yuè leap, jump
樂隊 yuèduì orchestra,band
月台 yuètái railway platform
zāi plant
災禍 zāihuò disaster, calamity
災情 zāiqíng disaster conditions
在場 zàichăng be on the scene/spot,be present
再三 zàisān over and over again
再生 zàishēng be reborn,regenerate
在世 zàishì be living
在座 zàizuò be present
zán we,you and I,I
讚嘆/歎 zàntàn admire
贊同 zàntóng approve of,endorse
贊助 zànzhù support,assist
贓物 zāngwù booty, stolen goods
zāo encounter
zāo [activity]measure word for the first time something happened
zāo by
遭遇 zāoyù meet with,encounter
造反 zàofăn rise in rebellion,revolt,rebel,rise up
造化 zàohuà 1.[Formal] Nature; the Creator 2.[Informal] good fortune
造物主 zàowùzhŭ God, the Creator
造型 zàoxíng modelling,mold-making,model,mold
責備 zébèi blame, reproach
增進 zēngjìn enhance,promote,further
增強 zēngqiáng strengthen,enhance
zèng give as present
資深 zīshēn senior
姿勢 zīshì posture,gesture
姿態 zītài posture,carriage,attitude,pose
滋味 zīwèi taste,flavor
資訊 zīxùn information
資助 zīzhù aid financially,subsidize
子彈 zǐdàn bullet,cartridge
子弟 zǐdì juniors, children
子孫 zǐsūn children and grandchildren, descendants, posterity,
紫外線 zǐwàixiàn ultraviolet ray
自稱 zìchēng call oneself,profess
自費 zìfèi be at one's own expense
自豪 zìháo pride oneself on
自覺 zìjué be conscious/aware
自立 zìlì stand on own feet
自滿 zìmăn self-satisfied,pretend,puff up,complacent,swell
自身 zìshēn self,oneself
字體 zìtǐ typeface,font,style of calligraphy
自信 zìxìn self-confidence
自行 zìxíng by oneself,of oneself,of one's own accord,voluntarily,proper motion
字眼(兒) zìyăn(er) diction, choice of words
字樣 zìyàng model of written characters, expressions used in certain contexts
自制 zìzhì denial,continence,nerves,forbearance,self-renunciation,self-government,restraint,self-denial,temperateness,self-mastery,abnegation,sobriety,renunciation,self-abnegation,unpermissiveness,self-control,self-restraint,self-discipline,self-command,temperance
自治 zìzhì self-govern,autonomic
自傳 zìzhuàn autobiography
走廊 zǒuláng corridor,passage,passageway
zòu beat, hit
宗旨 zōngzhǐ aim,purpose
總裁 zǒngcái head examiner,director-general,president,governor
總得 zǒngděi must, have to, be bound to
總額 zǒngé total
總和 zǒnghé sum,total,sum total
總結 zǒngjié summary,summing up
總經理 zǒngjīnglǐ president,general manager
總數 zǒngshù total,sum total
縱火 zònghuǒ arson,incendiarism
縱容 zòngróng connive, wink at
縱使 zòngshǐ even if/though
租賃 zūlìn rent, lease, hire
as much as
阻擋 zŭdăng stop,resist,obstruct,stem
阻力 zŭlì obstruction,resistance
阻撓 zŭnáo obstruct, thwart, prevent
阻塞 zŭsè block up,obstruct,clog
祖宗 zŭzōng ancestors, forebears
組織 zŭzhī organize,form
組裝 zŭzhuāng assemble and install
鑽研 zuānyán study/scrutinize intensively
鑽石 zuànshí diamond
嘴唇 zuǐchún lips
罪惡 zuìè crime,evil
罪名 zuìmíng charge,accusation
罪行 zuìxíng criminal acts
zūn [general]individual measure word for the statues of gods or Buddhas or sculptures...etc.
zūn honorable,respected
遵循 zūnxún follow,abide by,adhere to
尊嚴 zūnyán dignity,honor
作風 zuòfēng style of work,way
作怪 zuòguài make trouble,stir up trouble,do mischief
坐牢 zuòláo be in jail,imprison,be imprisoned,be in prison
座談 zuòtán have informal discussion
作為 zuòwéi conduct,deed,action
作物 zuòwù crop
座右銘 zuòyòumíng motto, maxim
作戰 zuòzhàn fight,do battle
坐鎮 zuòzhèn to personally attend to garrison duty; to assume personal command
作證 zuòzhèng testify,witness,take the stand,certify,attest,give evidence,verify,bear witness,depose,evidence
zhā prick
炸藥 zhàyào explosive (charges), dynamite
zhān moisten,soak,be stained with,touch
zhăn [general]individual measure word for lamps
展望 zhănwàng look into the distance/future
展現 zhănxiàn unfold before one's eyes
嶄新 zhănxīn brand-new,completely new
顫抖 zhàndǒu shake, quiver, shiver
戰火 zhànhuǒ flames of war
戰機 zhànjī warplanes
占/佔據 zhànjù occupy, hold
占/佔領 zhànlǐng capture, occupy
戰略 zhànlüè strategy
戰亂 zhànluàn chaos of war
戰勝 zhànshèng defeat,vanquish
戰士 zhànshì soldier,combatant,warrior
戰術 zhànshù military tactics
戰線 zhànxiàn battle line, front
戰友 zhànyǒu comrade-in-arms
戰戰兢兢 zhànzhànjīngjīng with caution,with fear and trepidation
張開 zhāngkāi open,spread
張貼 zhāngtiē put up (poster/etc.)
長輩 zhǎngbèi elder generation
長子 zhǎngzǐ eldest son
zhàng [standard]measure word for 1. the length of cloth, silk...etc.2.the height of buildings.3.the depth of mountains, valleys or rivers
帳篷 zhàngpéng tent
朝氣 zhāoqì morning freshness, youthful spirit, vigor, vitality
著想 zháoxiăng consider,take into consideration
著眼 zhuóyăn view from the angle of,have ... in mind,fix eyes upon,see from the angle of
找尋 zhăoxún look for,seek
沼澤 zhăozé marsh,swamp,bog
召集 zhàojí call together,convene
照例 zhàolì according to precedent/practice
照耀 zhàoyào shine, illuminate
zhē conceal, cover, block, impede
遮蔽 zhēbì hide from view, obstruct, block, defilade
折騰 zhēténg toss and turn, do sth. over and over again, range back and forth, maneuver, cause physical/mental suffering
針灸 zhēnjiŭ acupuncture
真情 zhēnqíng sincere feeling or emotion
珍惜 zhēnxí treasure,cherish
珍珠 zhēnzhū pearl
診斷 zhěnduàn diagnose
診所 zhěnsuǒ clinic
鎮定 zhèndìng calm,pacify,temper,mollify,tranquillize,assuage,quash,composed,quell,soothe
振動 zhèndòng vibrate
震驚 zhènjīng shock,amaze,astonish
鎮壓 zhènyā suppress,repress,put down,execute (counterrevolutionary)
陣營 zhènyíng camp
zhèng earn
zhēng evaporate, steam
爭辯 zhēngbiàn argue, contend
爭奪 zhēngduó vie with sb. for sth.
蒸發 zhēngfā evaporate
爭論 zhēnglùn controvercy,dispute
爭氣 zhēngqì fight to excel,try to win credit for,try to bring credit to
蒸氣 zhēngqì steam
徵收 zhēngshōu levy,collect
爭議 zhēngyì disputation,controversy
掙扎 zhēngzhá struggle
zhěng neat, tidy, orderly
整頓 zhěngdùn rectify,reorganize
整體 zhěngtǐ the whole,entirety
整整 zhěngzhěng whole,full
正當 zhèngdāng proper
正規 zhèngguī regular,standard
政績 zhèngjī achievements in one's official career
政見 zhèngjiàn political view
正面 zhèngmiàn positively
政權 zhèngquán political/state power,regime
證券 zhèngquàn negotiable securities
證人 zhèngrén witness
正統 zhèngtǒng orthodox ideas/tradition
正義 zhèngyì justice
zhī weave, knit
支撐 zhīchēng prop up,keep up
脂肪 zhīfáng fat
支付 zhīfù pay (money),defray
之後 zhīhòu later,behind,after
之類 zhīlèi such like
之內 zhīnèi in,within,among,inside of
支配 zhīpèi control,dominate,govern
之前 zhīqián before,prior to
支應 zhīyìng cope/deal with, equivocate, wait on, attend to, act as cashier
知足 zhīzú be content with one's lot,contented
值班 zhíbān be on duty
直徑 zhíjìng diameter
質量 zhíliàng quality,mass
殖民 zhímín colonize
值錢 zhíqián valuable
質疑 zhíyí call in question,challenge
職務 zhíwù job,duties,post
職責 zhízé duty,obligation,responsibility
執照 zhízhào license,permit
執政 zhízhèng hold power,govern
執著 zhízhuó rigid,punctilious
zhǐ until
指標 zhǐbiāo target,quota,norm,index
只得 zhǐděi have to
指點 zhǐdiăn give directions/pointers/etc.,direct,guide
指揮 zhǐhuī commander,director,conductor
指揮 zhǐhuī conduct,direct,command
指控 zhǐkòng accuse,charge
指南針 zhǐnánzhēn compass
指數 zhǐshù index (number),indicator,exponent
指頭 zhǐtóu finger
指望 zhǐwàng look to, count on
指紋 zhǐwén loops and whorls on fingers, fingerprint
指引 zhǐyǐn point way,guide,show
指責 zhǐzé censure,criticize
指正 zhǐzhèng note mistakes for correction, make comment/criticism
zhì (from…) to
zhì to, until, till
治安 zhìān public order/security
治本 zhìběn get at root,take radical measures,effect a permanent cure,get at the root
治標 zhìbiāo palliate,merely alleviate symptom of illness,take stopgap measures,bring about a temporary solution,palliative,merely alleviate the symptoms of an illness
制裁 zhìcái sanction,punish
致詞 zhìcí make a speech
制訂 zhìdìng work/map out,formulate
致富 zhìfù thrive,flourish,become rich,prosper,make a fortune
至今 zhìjīn up to now,so far
治理 zhìlǐ administer,govern,bring under control,put in order
致力 zhìlì devote oneself (to)
智力 zhìlì intelligence, intellect
治療 zhìliáo treat,cure
滯留 zhìliú be detained
致命 zhìmìng fatal,mortal,deadly
製品 zhìpǐn products,manufactured goods
志趣 zhìqù aspiration and interest, inclination, bent
志向 zhìxiàng aspiration,ideal,ambition
致意 zhìyì devote attention to, send best regards, send one's greetings
終場 zhōngchăng end of performance,final session in an examination
中斷 zhōngduàn suspend,break off
中和 zhōnghé neutralize
終結 zhōngjié end,final stage
終究 zhōngjiù eventually,in the end,after all
中肯 zhòngkěn 1.appropriate; to the point hit the mark; to strike home 3.cogency
中立 zhōnglì neutral
終身 zhōngshēn lifelong,all one's life
忠實 zhōngshí true,faithful
衷心 zhōngxīn heartily,wholeheartedly,cordially
中旬 zhōngxún middle 10 days of month
中葉 zhōngyè middle period
中醫 zhōngyī doctor of trad. Ch. medicine
中庸 zhōngyōng moderate, not extreme, not too much of anything
中風 zhòngfēng have a stroke
中獎 zhòngjiăng win prize,draw a prizewinning ticket,draw prizewinning ticket,prize,draw prizewinning number
中暑 zhòngshŭ heatstroke,suffer heatstroke,sunstroke,have sunstroke,suffer sunstroke,be affected by the sunstroke
重用 zhòngyòng put sb. in important position
重鎮 zhòngzhèn strategic place
種植 zhòngzhí plant,grow
周邊 zhōubiān periphery
周密 zhōumì complete, thorough
周詳 zhōuxiáng complete, thorough
周遊 zhōuyóu journey/travel round
周轉 zhōuzhuăn 1.[Economics] turnover 2.(of funds) circulating; revolving have enough to meet the need
zhòu knit,crease,shrivel,wrinkly,draw,gather,wrinkle
皺紋 zhòuwén wrinkles, lines
zhū [general]individaul measure word for plants, such as a grass, a flower
諸多 zhūduō a good deal,a lot of
zhú to drive out, expel
zhú each
逐步 zhúbù step by step,progressively
主導 zhŭdăo leading,dominant,guiding
囑咐 zhŭfù give instructions;ask (s.o.) to do
主管 zhŭguăn be in charge of,be responsible for
主見 zhŭjiàn one's own judgment/view
主角 zhŭjiăo leading role,lead,protagonist
主力 zhŭlì main force
主流 zhŭliú essential/main aspect/trend
矚目 zhŭmù fix eyes on
主權 zhŭquán sovereign rights,sovereignty
主人翁 zhŭrénwēng master, leading character in novel/etc., protagonist
主義 zhŭyì doctrine,-ism
主宰 zhŭzăi dominate,dictate,decide
主旨 zhŭzhǐ purport, substance, gist
主軸 zhŭzhóu main shaft, spindle
zhù halt,stay,be stationed at
注定 zhùdìng be doomed/destined
住戶 zhùhù household,resident
助教 zhùjiào teaching assistant
佇立 zhùlì stand still for long while
注目 zhùmù fix eyes on
住宿 zhùsù stay,put up,get accommodations
注視 zhùshì watch attentively,gaze at
助手 zhùshǒu assistant, aide
柱子 zhùzi post, pillar
著作 zhùzuò work,book,writings
注重 zhùzhòng lay stress on,pay attention to
zhŭn definitely,certainly
准許 zhŭnxŭ permit,allow
準則 zhŭnzé norm,standard,criterion
抓緊 zhuājǐn seize
zhuān brick
專櫃 zhuānguì shoppe
專員 zhuānyuán assistant director,(administrative) commissioner,person specially assigned for a job
專制 zhuānzhì despotic
轉動 zhuăndòng turn (round),move
轉化 zhuănhuà change,transform
轉機 zhuănjī turn for better
轉手 zhuănshǒu transfer,pass on to another
轉向 zhuănxiàng change direction
轉眼 zhuănyăn in the blink of an eye
轉移 zhuănyí shift,transfer,divert,change,transform
轉帳 zhuănzhàng transfer accounts
賺錢 zhuànqián make money/profit
撰寫 zhuànxiě write
裝備 zhuāngbèi equipment,outfit
裝潢 zhuānghuáng mount (picture/etc.),decorate,paste,glue
裝配 zhuāngpèi assemble, fit together
莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn,dignified,stately
裝運 zhuāngyùn transport
裝置 zhuāngzhì install,fit
壯觀 zhuàngguān magnificent
壯麗 zhuànglì majestic,magnificent
狀元 zhuàngyuán Number One Scholar (title conferred on top scorer in highest, the very best (in any field)
追捕 zhuībŭ pursue and capture
追查 zhuīchá investigate,trace,find out
追究 zhuījiù look into,find out,investigate
酌量 zhuóliàng consider, deliberate
著手 zhuóshǒu set to,get to work
著重 zhuózhòng emphasize,attach importance
卓越 zhuóyuè outstanding,brilliant