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Bio Mechanic vocabulary for Advanced Mandarin Chinese learners.

qiān yī fà ér dòng quán shēn
"pull one hair and the whole body moves "

a few diverse 少量多樣 shǎoliàng duōyàng
accelerate 加速 jiāsù
accelerator(pedal)/ throttle 油門 yóu mén
accurate / precise 精確 jīngquè
action / function / purpose 作用 zuòyòng
adapt to changes 應變 yìngbiàn
amazed 驚異 jīngyì
analysis program 分析程式 fēnxī chéngshì
animation 動畫 dònghuà
answering machine 答錄機 dá lù jī
anti-gravity 抵抗重力 dǐkàng zhònglì
antiskid / slip resistant 防滑 fáng huá
appearance / profile 長相 cháng xiāng
application 應用 yìngyòng
assesment / evaluation 估算 gū suàn
assistive device 輔具 fǔ jù
authentic 真確 zhēn què
balance 平衡 pínghéng
barrier / hindrance 障礙 zhàngài
biomechanics 生物力學 shēngwù lì xué
cartilage 軟骨 ruǎngǔ
centimeter 公分 gōngfēn
challenge 挑戰 tiǎozhàn
change / variation 變化 biànhuà
circumference 圓周 yuánzhōu
coefficient / factor 係數 xì shù
compel / to force 被迫 bèipò
composition / element 成分 chéngfèn
compression 壓縮 yāsuō
concept / idea 概念 gàiniàn
contaminate 污損 wū sǔn
contract / shrink 收縮 shōusuō
convince 稅負 shuì fù
crush 壓碎 yāsuì
damage / destroy 破壞 pòhuài
data field 字段 zìduàn
definition / axiom 定義 dìngyì
deformation 變形 biànxíng
describe / description 描述 miáoshù
difference / error / inaccuracy 誤差 wùchā
differentiate 區分 qūfēn
differentiation (calculus) 微分 wēi fēn
difficulty 困境 kùnjìng
disability 身心障礙 shēn xīn zhàngài
electric powered 電動 diàn dòng
endless / boundless 無窮 wúqióng
ensure / guarantee 確保 quèbǎo
entity / the real thing 實體 shítǐ
exert physically 用力 yònglì
exoskeleton 外骨骼 wài gǔgé
express meaning 表意 biǎo yì
external 外力 wàilì
factor 因素 yīnsù
fair / rational 合理 hélǐ
fatique / weary 疲勞 píláo
fax machine 傳真機 chuánzhēnjī
feasible 可行 kěxíng
flexibility/ elasticity 彈性 dàn xìng
focal point 焦點 jiāodiǎn
focus on / specialize in 主攻 zhǔ gōng
force plate 力板 lì bǎn
forearm 前臂 qián bì
friction 摩擦力 mócā lì
general investigation 普查 pǔchá
geometry 幾何 jǐhé
gravity 重力 zhònglì
great effort / to strain oneself 菲力 fēi lì
great invention 偉大的發明 wěidà de fāmíng
greater than 大於 dàyú
ground 地面 dìmiàn
handrail / armrest 扶手 fúshǒu
harmful / disadvantageous 不利 bùlì
heavy load / burden 重負 zhòng fù
horizontal 橫向 héng xiàng
hypothesis 假設 jiǎshè
image / frame / picture 畫面 huàmiàn
intergraion (calculus) 積分 jīfēn
internal force 內力 nèi lì
joint 關節 guānjié
lack / shortage 缺乏 quēfá
less than 小於 xiǎo yú
lever 力臂 lìbì
ligament 韌帶 rèndài
light source 光源 guāngyuán
limbs 肢體 zhītǐ
limbs / body 肢體 zhī tǐ
main part 重心 zhòngxīn
mass 質量 zhìliàng
mechanics 力學 lì xué
mechanism 機構 jīgòu
merely / purely 單純 dānchún
method / way / approach 路子 lùzi
misjudge / error of judgement 誤判 wù pàn
mode / situation 狀態 zhuàngtài
model 模型 móxíng
moment / momentary 瞬間 shùnjiān
more than / greater than 多於 duō yú
movement / motion 動態 dòngtài
multiple / diverse 多種 duōzhǒng
newton 牛頓 niúdùn
not to allow 不准 bùzhǔn
overthrow 推翻 tuīfān
passive structures 被動結構 bèidòng jiégòu
patent 專利 zhuānlì
phenomenon 現象 xiànxiàng
physics 物理學 wùlǐxué
physiology 生理 shēnglǐ
plane 平面 píngmiàn
play a musical instrument 演奏 yǎnzòu
point of view 觀點 guāndiǎn
position / location 定位 dìngwèi
position / place 部位 bùwèi
prevent / avoid 避免 bìmiǎn
principle / theory 原理 yuánlǐ
radius 半徑 bànjìng
regulate / control 調控 diào kòng
relatively 相對 xiāngduì
resist 抵抗 dǐkàng
rigid body 剛體 gāngtǐ
scientific law 定律 dìnglǜ
shear / shearing force 剪力 jiǎn lì
silent 沉默 chénmò
simplistic 簡易 jiǎnyì
slight 輕微 qīngwéi
slope / incline 斜坡 xié pō
sole(of a shoe) 鞋底 xié dǐ
soles of the feet 腳底 jiǎo dǐ
squeeze / press 擠壓 jǐ yā
stability 穩定性 wěndìngxìng
state of not working 靜態 jìngtài
statue / to carve 雕塑 diāosù
stop / resist / obstruct 阻擋 zǔdǎng
strength 強度 qiángdù
summary / brief introduction 簡介 jiǎnjiè
surplus / unnecessary 多餘 duōyú
surround 合圍 hé wéi
the book of changes “simple book” 易經 yìjīng
three-dimensional 立體 lìtǐ
tiny / minute / sensitive 細微 xì wēi
to assume (responsibilty) 承擔 chéngdān
to calculate 推算 tuīsuàn
to consider 考量 kǎoliáng
to describe 描述 miáoshù
to detect / to sense 檢測 jiǎncè
to discover / to detect 檢出 jiǎn chū
to draw / to stretch 拉伸 lā shēn
to drive 駕駛 jiàshǐ
to excel at / be adept in 長於 cháng yú
to expand 擴大 kuòdà
to feel sad 心酸 xīn suān
to find out / to learn about 得知 dézhī
to make clear 交代 jiāodài
to make up 構成 gòuchéng
to match / to pair up 搭配 dāpèi
to share / to enjoy together 共享 gòngxiǎng
to specify 規範 guīfàn
torque / turning force 紐矩 niǔ jǔ
twists and turns 轉折 zhuǎnzhé
unconciously / unknwittingly 不知不覺 bùzhībùjué
underestimate 低估 dīgū
use / application 用途 yòngtú
vaccine 疫苗 yìmiáo
video camera 攝影機 shèyǐngjī
volume / bulk 體積 tǐjī
voluntary 自願 zìyuàn
walking race 競走 jìngzǒu
whole body 全身 quán shēn
width / extent / scope 幅度 fúdù
wiper 雨刷 yǔ shuā
wonderful / splendid 美妙 měimiào

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